David Windrim

Rhaegar was heir so his children inherit, and the Targaryens enforced primogeniture - with a preference for male heirs. Thus the Dance of the Dragons back in the day.

Yeah - also I think that when Loras is out from the Sept and safe (hopefully in the arms of some lovely stableboy) we will get a better sense of where Margaery's head is truly at. I note that her whole "I see myself clearly now - the lies I told myself" speech does NOT preclude the conclusion she drew being "And I am

Part of my defensiveness is getting a RAISED EYEBROW from my boss on a recent assignment for making the same dumb mistake. :D

You are of course correct. Serves me right for swinging wild with my legal terminology in this searing courtroom drama~~~

([Very Vague] SPOILERS)

It's a TV Judge, THEY don't have powers or opinions.

Foggy's also hampered by the fact that if your client has admitted guilt to you - or you know for a fact they did what they were accused of - you can't do a lot of things (i.e. suggest alibis, alternate suspects, actively exonerating evidence)…mostly all you can do is make a deal or chip away at the Prosecution's

It's neat to have Matt have a conflict in the courtroom between his lawyer and vigilante agendas, since defence lawyers already have a weird conflict - they're meant to passionately advocate for their client, but also to serve as officers of the court and so not pervert justice or even do anything that will bring its

When his son gets him the dog because he 'thought that [O.J.] should always have someone' it was so beautifully, subtly, quietly ominous about what the future looks like even to his nearest and dearest. The "restaurants won't take you any more" felt ham-fisted by comparison.

Uh…this is a tragedy. That call to his ex was a flagrant violation of his ethical standards as an attorney; some stricter bar associations have disbarred people for less. Him getting away with it is as 'impressive' as Walter White managing to conceal his scumminess for a few seasons.

I actually put The Doctor's Wife on my top…20, if not 10 of New Who largely because of the Rory bits, actually. It's maybe the cruellest single thing that happens to that character except (possibly) that little disappointment after he retrieved his magic baby that one time. (>_>)