
Shouldn’t that be a _sex_ reveal party anyway?

I don’t think the system has been ‘hacked’ in any sense. Mostly because it seems insane that the Good Place wouldn’t notice they weren’t getting any people. I think everyone is ‘correctly’ getting their points, and I think the entire scene with the accountants was to demonstrate that.

You...think it will be complicated to save Coulson? Really. This is a comic book universe.

The Legends’s 100th episode should be them going back to the very start of the very first episode and teaming up with that team.

Bull. Autism does not have any symptoms that would correlate with ‘calls the police more often on strangers’.

No shit. And, of course, someone’s disability cannot actually make them call the cops on anyone.

Huh. I wonder what Atlanta Comic Con is going to rename itself to. They just started last year.

The correct term is ‘Superb Owl’.

I think Captain Marvel is ‘currently’ dealing with _this_ problem _in the past_, if that makes sense. Fury’s page just told her _when_ it was happening.

How are they supposed to know Thanos is attacking Earth? It’s happening in secret in Wakanda on the other side of the planet.

Yeah, ARGUS ignoring Earth 2 Laurel makes no sense at all. We’ve seen they are willing to lock up metahumans without any legal justification at all, although I guess we’re supposed to assume this has ended now that Iron Heights (And presumably other prisons) have metahuman wards. So maybe they don’t want to lock her

I’m wondering if she thinks both are true. Both that Kara is Supergirl, and that Kara is distinct from Supergirl.

The problem with AoS isn’t really ‘How do they do it with half the cast gone.’. Because we know the cast _can’t_ be gone, we’ve seen the future.

Sadly, premiering ‘later’ doesn’t help. The next Avenger movie basically comes out a year after this one, just did, aka, at the _end_ of when the season is. If it was something like January, that might work, but they aren’t going to start the new season in May.

Seconded. I was expecting that scene to be something like ‘You somehow disobeyed the rules and saved my life on a mission there! I had to take you with me or they would have killed you. Sure you’re a clone, but you’re special. You managed to fight your programming, because you care about human life.’ Or some such rot.

Hey, at least _this_ time he didn’t betray whatever organization he was working for, he just got fired.

Until it was mentioned above, it hadn’t clicked that there is a specific reason that May understands ‘needing to hurt innocent people or everyone dies’. That’s not to say it’s exactly the same, or that she agrees with his choice, but she at least has the context for it.

So here’s a theory: Maybe Hydra’s origins are way back in the Kree experiment, somehow. Pre-Hive. They were in working with the Kree, in exchange for power _on_ Earth. (Which the Kree don’t care about.) Think of Hydra as the Kree collaborators. Some of Hydra were turned into Inhumans, some were just humans.

Tommy Wiseau is not eligible to be president. To be president, you have to be a native-born American of at least 35 years of age, and Tommy Wiseau will not be born until the year 2652.

70 million dollars is a lot of money if payroll is due, which is presumably why they were talking about city services shutting down on a certain day.