David Swartwood

Nope PSI is what determined the force and the amount of crumpling.

I disagree with that. That's a vacuum equivalent to less than 29.9" of mercury. You can buy pumps on Grainger right now that will do that for less than $20k, I'm sure the big industrial pumps are more than capable of doing this, yeah it will take awhile to get the tubes down to that pressure but once you have them

I can still never figure out simple past vs past perfect.

Maybe not genius but it's an OK idea. It's easy to buy a bumper mounted locking jerry can holder. Harder to find a bumper mounted locking craftsman toolbox holder. Also tools cost much more than gas so people try harder to steal them, so a disguise can be useful. I think the rattling may give it away though...

And the five thousand dollar oil change? I got two different oil changes from two different dealers during the last year, and I never paid more than $400. Yes, that's still big money — but it's not ridiculous, when you consider that this car cost more than $150,000 new.

This is just sensationalism. Too bad you skipped the part in the original article that stated that a professional clarified the visible white color wasn't necessary and now they are still going to be green but with a heat reflective coating. It was some knee jerk reaction where someone assumes that visible white = IR

yeah, he recorded his speedo showing nearly 70 and then filmed himself lying to the cop... Damn lucky the cop didn't seize the camera and take his license.

It's all in the wording...
It's peak mechanical hp, so all they need is enough rotating mass to absorb that burst of energy when you hit that big clump of dirt. It's still pretty disengenuous to the lay person but it's not technically incorrect. It would look something like this: 5HP peak = ~2 peak hp motor +~3hp

Yeah! It's almost like someone knocked off a successful working version of a camera with a cheap version. That's never happened before! Lets stop buying the functioning original one cause someone copied the case. That'll teach them to not have their design stolen!

You've ruined my plan:
1) Marry straight girl

Where's the column for position and performance rating of both parties? If we are doing analytics lets at least be thorough.

If you're wondering what comes out on top in this showdown between a Focus and a bike, it's gonna be the Focus..

The DMV may allow a PO Box on your license but requires a physical address be on file also, at least in OR, NM and TX. The plate lookup gets you both addresses.

Yes but why? What will you now do with this? Throw them a surprise party? People nearly always commit crimes against people near them. They don't look at a pic on the internet, say, "hey that guy has a nice Datsun, I'm going to drive 600 miles and burn his house down" . What good does having that info do anyone?

Unless you have a source that any dealership is doing this I'm going to say taking the time to run a search is an expense only a fool of a dealer would bother with. Especially since the cost of warranty work is covered by the manufacturer and not the dealer.

Or just self driving cars... They also solve all of these issues.

Really? Sounds exactly like every other fart can exhaust to me.

Later on Seinfeld mentioned that he met with "data gurus" from CAA and Facebook to find out how to do a show on the web and was told, explicitly, that anything long than five minutes wouldn’t work. Obviously, he ignored them, and asked if he thought they were wrong later on he gave a good look at his thinking:

He’s not alone in doing ads that aren’t just TV spots put on the web, but he’s definitely transformed some of Acura’s typically out-of-touch ads.