
wow, what a pleasant fellow you are!

Lol. Really dude? PS+ is a payed service. As in NOT FREE. So, when you get your PS Plus monthly “free” games, you actually payed for them, by paying for the service. Not free. That’s the deal. Heck that was the sole purpose of PS+ back on the PS3 era. Good or bad service it’s up to each to decide, and complain if they

What the hell is going on. I remember two years ago you had really great games for the old PS3 like Yakuza 4, Shadow of the Collosus, Dragon’s Dogma, Vanquish and inFamous 2. One would think they are now throwing out the big games for the PS3, but no...

Wow, that’s...pretty disappointing.

PS+ has really been lacking compared to Gold lately. What’s up with that?

Are you calling her a liar?

If anyone can think of any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, please passive-aggressively blog about it right now, right here, during the ceremony, with your champagne gold iPhone 6, which is so last June anyway because the rose gold iPhone 6s is where it’s at now.

Nothing of that is really telling me why you were enthralled enough in a boss fight to fight it for 8 hours straight and i find it odd you would do the whole article and not answer exactly why that one boss fight enthraled you enough to keep going at it for eight hours . I mean , cmon dude, eight hours.

“All very pro war”

Yeah, at least up through Call of Duty 4 it had quotes about the cost of war

I always really liked the quotes in the COD games when you die in singleplayer, like “btw actual irl war is fucking horrible”

I think it’s supposed to be unsettling. At first I wasn’t crazy about it, but these days I kinda love it.

Yep. Lots of filler.

I am not usually impresseed by cosplay, but this....this freaking did it. Bravo.

Ah Mad Max is the best type of release in my opinion. A game so in the middle that its easier to give merit to its great things without overlooking its faults.

ray romano made this game?

I can’t think of anything more exciting than watching a video game character walk 2 feet in 2 hours! Maybe in a few years, next-gen systems will make it possible to watch a character walk two feet in two years! Can you imagine a better use of your time?!

It’s honestly pretty easy for me. A lot of games these days are bloated with “gamification”—that is, hundreds of side-activities that are, in actuality, a dozen variants of the same dozen minigame templates, and all they dole out, really, is checks on a checklist, or an arbitrary amount of experience / reputation /

I feel it’s only a problem if you’re a completionist. Arkham Knight can be finished in 10-14 hrs, but probably takes upwards of 50+ if you want to 100% it. AC Black Flag is only about 15-20 hrs, but also takes around 50+ to 100%.

likely with the word preceding it