
The point isn’t just that these letters may encourage discriminatory decisions when selling houses, but you also can never be sure that the love letters are even accurate. I mean it’s pretty easy to make assumptions about the sellers from the house they are selling - beautiful garden that took many hours of work,

Employers will match both traditional and Roth 401k contributions. It’s just that the match will always go into the traditional account.

Nobody has said that the prop-master involved was not a member of IATSE. This was just an email from Local 44, which covers the LA area, saying it wasn’t one of theirs.

Circus Peanuts were another terrible Halloween candy I remember from my youth. Never saw them any other time of year.

What drives me crazy is people who make a definitive statement, and conclude it by adding, “... period, full-stop.”

American chocolate is inferior due to the amount of butyric acid in it, which adds a sour taste. It’s like that due to the proprietary process that Milton Hershey developed in order to mass produce chocolate. Most Americans don’t even detect it until they get used to eating European chocolate, then try American

Words that come from other languages are problematic. Sometimes times they take on an anglicized pronunciation, and other times they keep their original pronunciation. And a lot of times different people use different standards.

Not when the person who created and named the format, also specified how the acronym was pronounced.

That’s a damn good match. If it’s a state hospital, they are probably giving that much because this is in lieu of funding a traditional pension. Is this a 403b or 457b? Or is it a grandfathered in 401k?

Just make sure you’re not overcontributing if you have two 401ks going! You’re still only allowed to contribute $19,500 (or $26,000 if 50 or older) between both of them. But since neither company knows what you have contributed to they other plan, they are not going to know when to cut you off.

I’m waiting then for my queer allies to turn against the Clintons. After all they were just trying to appease the GOP when they were anti-queer. Right? As far as I’m concerned their persecution of queer people is no worse nor better than Webb’s.”

They’ll start to care when they start losing some of their allies in Congress that are keeping their already-reduced funding in place. Between the growing anti-science contingent and the “let’s spend money down here instead of throwing it away up there” folks, they really can’t afford to lose any support.

Why would changing the name now delay anything? What, do you think they’d have to wait for a new personalized license plate for it?

Interesting logic twisting there. It’s too long after the project started to change its name. But it’s also not close enough to the launch to change the name.

Mine have dropped in value too, but they were REIT indexes, which had a mix of commercial and residential. One was US-based while the other was global, and the global one has definitely taken a bigger hit. But both still have good yields.

It’s set up like that because “sweat equity” absolutely has a value. But it’s almost impossible to compute. So if you’ve already put in your $6k/$7k into your IRA this year, and then you do work on a property that’s held by the IRA, then you have just over-contributed to your IRA. That means you’re subject to the 6%

It could happen if your investments do really, really well. But the #1 reason people find themselves in a higher tax bracket later in life, is the death of a spouse. Once that happens both spouse’s accounts become the property of the surviving spouse, and that can make the RMDs for the survivor shoot up.

I’ve got to say, I’m liking the look of the ornithopters in this trailer. Back when the first movie was coming out (in 1984) I was afraid they would come off as being cheesy.

You left out one potential option. If you’re not already maxing out your annual IRA deposits, a Roth IRA can be a great place for your emergency fund. A low-cost index fund will give a better rate of return than you will get in a bank, and if you need the money you can withdraw up to the amount you deposited tax free

He also said gas, which I think is cheaper than oil. I’m also in upstate NY and I keep my thermostat at 69 in the winter (24 hours a day) and my gas is $60/month. But my house is only 1100 sq ft. Less than half the size of yours. I do have a full basement, not included in that, but only half of it is finished and