Thats what I wanted to comment too... I have gotten stoned out of my freaking mind on edibles. It sucks. I don't want to risk it ever again. There's just no telling how they're going to hit you. At least smoking you normally have some guage.
Thats what I wanted to comment too... I have gotten stoned out of my freaking mind on edibles. It sucks. I don't want to risk it ever again. There's just no telling how they're going to hit you. At least smoking you normally have some guage.
the only thing i really want to know is how the Switch version will be. Of course it won’t look as good as the PS4/Xbone but I really hope it plays just as well. It’s so rare I get to sit down in front of the TV and game nowadays, but the Switch version I could play all the time.
Every single healthcare plan on the marketplace in Nevada is an HMO so yeah, I need a primary care doctor to be able to see other doctors. So stupid.
If you want some creepy instrumental tracks for your Halloween party check out my Spotify playlist of my music, including my new single "Stalker"
Yeah if I was an Apple guy I’d probably use that, but since I’m not, it’s Gmail for me.
hey i’ve been burned by google dropping products before too... but GMAIL? not going to happen until a bomb drops. Gmail and Search are the only two things I would so surely say that about.
I know this is an awful point of view to have because it kills competition, but I just don't trust that any of these will still be around in a few years. I know if I ever need to find an old email, unless there's a nuclear Holocaust, it's probably safe in my Gmail account until the day I die.
I don’t see Trudy so clearly this list is flawed.
Yeah I’d just be dead within 5 minutes I think.
Woahhh... I’m almost certain I have Amazing Tater packed away somewhere. I loved that game...
Exercising while high? I’d die.
I don’t know about “no one” asked for... I just googled him today wondering if there’s any news about him and found that that article just happened to come out yesterday and it made me really happy.
I can’t believe anyone thought pasta was particularly good for weight loss... That’s mind numbingly stupid... If it was true though, that’s a diet I could easily stick to... Just pasta for breakfast lunch and dinner. I’d be set.
My girlfriend just made Cauliflower Fried Rice the other day and it absolutely ruled. I’d have it all the time.
Right before a Tom Petty concert I had bought us two really expensive tickets for. But at least I got to see Tom Petty.
Annihilation will be on streaming the same time as theaters? God I hope it doesn’t suck... Ex Machina was my favorite movie of the year when it came out.
I got one of these and it doesn’t seem to work at all... I don’t know if maybe I’m doing something wrong but I might as well be running my TV remote control over the couch.
I got one of these and it doesn’t seem to work at all... I don’t know if maybe I’m doing something wrong but I might…
I don’t know if I’ll get this... But I’m so happy it exists.
This looks freaking fantastic. My favorite genre of game (2d, top down, Zelda-like, single player, single character games). There’s so few of them. Like a dozen in all of history.
As a life-long “Star Wars is OK but I don’t see what the big fuss is about” guy... I freaking loved The Last Jedi. I think I feel about it the way everyone else feels about the original Star Wars movies.