
She's the reason I can't turn that movie off whenever I find it while flipping channels. I just have to get to her final speech where she explains the origins of her insanity in the middle of orchestrating a slow elaborate death for the Addams - all the while they are agreeing whole-hardheartedly with her every

Having seen the show this past February, I would add Chris Jackson as tough to replace, and he has signed on for a new CBS show, so I'm guessing his time in Hamilton is also just about up.

The documentary you liked would make a great movie? Huh??

"not the biggest Journey fan"? Methinks you doth protest too much. ;)

I really think "If I Loved You" is a perfect song. Heartbreaking.

I can't say for certain that the reference was intended, but
I was certainly thinking the same thing about the "clear coat" as well as the general ineptitude of Daniel's criminal activities.

Len Kachinsky?

I don't think your analogy really works - the rules of baseball and most other sports evolve according to what is deemed best for the sport.

Indeed - and they should be constantly reminded of their duty throughout the proceedings - particularly prior to deliberations.

I think it was back in the '60 with the Phil Spector produced Crystals that this actually started. Pretty sure that's what Bruce's version was based on: https://youtu.be/B3zudVvBEB4

Nice! "Alone" is a good one for Thanksgiving. If you're interested, here's some shaky video of him doing Alone last year - keep in mind he was in 7th grade then, but I think he does a pretty good job. https://youtu.be/wwar25jIxts

That makes sense. I am going to be seeing it in a few months - hopefully LMM will be on that night. I feel the same way about much of the rest of the original cast as well, but to see the creator of the show playing the lead would be special - perhaps even more so with In The Heights as it is so personal. Come to

Just to be clear having them both eligible for leading category was not my personal assessment, but that of the Tony Award Committee - I happened to see a blurb about it: http://www.theatermania.com…

Creoles With Attitude.

Good point - but I guess they mean the hype around the show is inescapable for some. Still, in a fractured culture those that read up on sites that do blurbs about Hamilton can suffer from serious sampling error.

Being contrarian and stating opinions as fact is such an easy way to appear cool… I think. :)

My interest in the musical got me reading Chernow's book. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Clearly there are many characters and events changed and moved around for the sake of the narrative, but that's what I expected. The musical is LMM's reworking of the founding fathers' mythology - the book is an attempt to

Both LOj and LMM are eligible for leading male category for a Tony. I'm guessing LMM will win, but my vote would go to Odom Jr.

Completely agree - it took me a few viewings to piece together the fractured narrative that you allude to above, but viewing it for the first time was still a remarkable experience despite not understanding how the two main sections of the film fit together, or how the events presented in the second part of the film

Yeah, but Clapton was imitating Muddy Waters so… wait are we saying that Muddy Waters was responsible for the "John Mayer Face"? That is just wrong.