
A business would be far more concerned with the labour pool and tax structure of a city than it would be whether or not there is a professional franchise. Business are far more pragmatic when it comes to choosing a location. Tech startups don’t settle in San Francisco because of the 49ers. Hell, they may be inclined

Actually there’s been about zero instances of open Nazism during soccer matches in Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, or Montenegro.

I was one of the early adopters of Facebook when you needed to have an actual university email account to sign up. I didn’t last longer than a year before I quit it, and have never looked back. It’s tiresome, annoying, and quite frankly exposes you to people who you wouldn’t want anything to do with.

Because X-Files is a treasure?

I find it really hard to believe that the only social life is in exclusive small groups that don’t even hold the majority of the student body as membership. I mean, unless of course you have to hang out with the “cool kids.”

That sounds almost reasonable. What did you get out of the sorority?

My question is why even join a fraternity/sorority? What’s the point of being tormented if the reward is to be able to hang out with your tormentors? It sounds like voluntary Stockholm Syndrome.

And that’s why I’m conflicted. I know they’re not all like that, but these stories aren’t exactly once in a blue moon. There are acid attacks, forcible confiment, physical abuse, rape, the list goes on. It’s sickening that this shit is so acceptable over there. Cultural norms are firmly entrenched once you reach a

Do you even know what you’re talking about? The only problem I see with that screen is that he didn’t quite plant himself in time. That doesn’t make it dirty nor reckless.

Exactly, assholes.

That’s a swan. We make no claim to those long necked assholes with wings.

They don’t even know what a fucking catch is, and we’re gonna add another layer of complexity to a defensive PI call?

I absolutely hate how all of these stories make me question my usually pro-immigration beliefs, being an immigrant myself.

I think the only semblance of reality in this article is the guzzling of two bottles of wine.

Re-read what I did.

I’m glad that isn’t just my sex that is filled with rich assholes who’ve had unimaginable advantages since day one that share their advice on success like it applies to everyone.

The Yard Goats? Was Lawn Gophers already taken?

Sorry I wasn’t clear, I meant those sugary monstrosities Starbucks sells, like the ones pictured. Nothing wrong with a good cup of (actual) coffee.

