
The “Cloud” in any of these situations is literally a computer or server that is always turned on, waiting to be accessed by whatever device you’re using.

First off, Rey’s the one who said it. Kylo Ren just confirmed it. And she didn’t debate it at all, because she knew it was true.

According to Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Visual Dictionary, it sounds like there were extra crewmembers manning the other stations.

To be fair, Adventurer’s League, which is Wizard’s official D&D campaign organizers, allow you to play a Lawful Evil character.

Was Gilligan going to end up with Ginger or Mary Ann? Or was he going to lose out on both, because The Professor had more game?

When I was growing up, I knew the guy who invented the single-use ketchup packets when he was a Heinz employee (he was grandfather to my sister’s best friend). He got a plaque, a gold ring, and a handshake from a member of the Heinz family. But those ketchup packets went on to become one of the cornerstones of the

Was only in FFXIV for the first few months for its abysmal release back in 2010. I believe I used the name Tyrian Daefaroth, but I hardly played that game at all, and didn’t bother re-installing once they rereleased it as A Realm Reborn, despite the positive reviews.

Now playing

That looks fun, and was that Grand Admiral Thrawn, cause if it was, oh snap!

Decker! I remember you!

I came here to read the article, because of one my old Linkshell friends sent it to me. None of us play FFXI anymore, but so many of us still keep in touch for exactly these reasons. The article was beautifully written, and you hit it spot-on. FFXI felt like home, and our Linkshell was family. Last month, our

the MCU is the cinematic equivalent of Dragonball Z Marvel Comics. It never really ends, and after they beat the Big Baddie, here comes an even Bigger Baddie, wash, rinse, repeat.

If you wonder how they eat and breathe, and other science facts...

If you wonder how they eat and breathe, and other science facts...

She’s not “running around doing dangerous super hero stuff while pregnant.” The first issue showed how she’s gone on hiatus during her pregnancy. This whole incident that she’s involved in right now is basically because she was going in for a checkup at a hospital that Captain Marvel suggested. The facility (which

Is it just me, or does Future Quest look like it’s meant to be the “serious, for reals” mash-up that The Venture Bros. does so amazingly well?

A new Power Man (Victor Alvarez) that’s been around for the past five years or so. He featured prominently in the Mighty Avengers title over the past couple years, with Luke Cage being something of a mentor.

I consider myself something of a grammar stickler, and I have to say: what on earth are you talking about? I read the rant, and appreciated how well it flowed, using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. After reading your post and thinking maybe I missed something obvious, I re-read the rant looking

If you purchased the game, then you have an unrestricted account. You’ll still have to purchase the expansion if you want access to the expansion content.


I’m going to put aside observations of objectification and parallels to escort services, et cetera. Instead, I want to view this objectively, and try to see where this eventually leads.