
I bought one of these new in 2009, it was the touring trim level, which was top level in 2009, and when presented with the choice between a 4 speed automatic or 5 speed manual, my wife (she is a keeper) wanted the manual. I threw a set of Firestone winterforce snows on it and it went everywhere with no fuss. Got low

I vote for the Kizashi. I had one i bought new. It was AWD, got nearly 40MPG on the highway, ha decent power and lots of room. It handled well and i did like the styling. I got rear ended on the interstate by a Hyundai that was not paying attention the world around her. The Hyundai had to be towed. I was able to drive

At that period of time i bought a diesel rabbit and then a 1983GTi. I had no interest in the Cutlass but a few friends had them. They could never explain why though....

No contest. In a time long ago in a galaxy far away, this was my one and only source of transport here in Western PA. This was a vehicle that could get stuck on a flat road with winter tires on it. My 73 Javelin with the smog choked 304 automatic. A car truly unsuited for winter driving.

I bought a Pao in early December. Since the weather here has been so crappy, i haven’t really driven it. Plus i could find no evidence of a timing belt change so I figured since i have 77K miles it would be best to take care of that before i do any serious driving. I love the Pao, and am also looking into getting a