
How am I expected to read this long article, when I got a rage stroke halfway into the third paragraph that has rendered me blind?

I’m more interested in skipping directly to the airless colored tires...

Taylor Swift at Burning Man:

It seems no matter what vehicle she attempts to use she’s doomed to be pedestrian.

It’s misogynistic based on the blatant fact that they are sexualizing her and making assumptions about her based solely on appearances.

I stop being friends with them. And now, in my 27th year, I have thinned out my friend ranks because it’s not my job to educate or enlighten or try to change people’s minds. There’s no way in hell I can act civilly with the lady I went to high school with who’s intensely pro-birth/anti-choice. I don’t have the drive

Mo fo pass.

I though Gummo was his best film, for some weird reason. Not a lot going on in it, but less... contrived? ... than Kids. I got the feeling that the folks in Gummo would be doing that even if the camera wasn’t around. But then they probably were/are, right?

Well, it is a baracuda

I live in Texas and damn well make sure to smoke a brisket anytime a relative comes to visit me. It’s the shit. I act like it’s no big deal, saying we here in Texas eat it all the time, but my eyes start to light up a few days beforehand just thinking about it.

I’ve been smoking briskets for years now, and they always are the conversation piece of all my cookouts/parties. I’ve got two ready to smoke for my party tomorrow. And please, don’t cover it in sauce. There’s no need.

Any man who calls himself a feminist immediately sets off my creep alarms. I have never met a male "feminist" who wasn't a manipulative tool.

Now playing

It doesn't sound like a Ferrari 458 though...oddly

you shut your mouth

Thanks for the article and the information; I'm going to get the book.

Is it fair to call him a thug? NBA players would be if they ambushed a dude after a game. Melo got suspended for yelling at a guy on the loading dock by the team bus. NASCAR personal conduct policy is weak.

Yeah, kids will drive you to drink.

My favorite part of the video is when the 13 ladies do it.