David Manning Jr.

I don't understand why people are so confused about Negan's rape stance. First off he is a guy who beats people to death with a baseball bat so if he contradicts himself on rape a bit it's not that unbelievable. Negan doesn't allow men to rape because he knows it will be anarchy in this society. In season 2, the

Alec Baldwin is in hot water again after his controversial statements attacking Jonah Hill for his apology last night, here's the link http://hollywoodandswine.co…

I have homosexuals in my high school and believe me they are just like everyone else.

I actually think "Blended" is the best comedy in years, here's my review and yes I'm a professional movie critic, and yes I'm still in high school, here's the link http://hollywoodandswine.co…

This critic clearly didn't watch the same movie I did. Being the youngest film critic at this year's Cannes Film Festival I had the honor of watching the debut of the next great voice in cinema, Ryan Thomas Gosling, check out my review for "Lost River" and decide for yourself http://hollywoodandswine.co…

Check out the shameless way Casey Kasem's wife tried to his family's ordeal to turn it into a reality show, here's the article http://hollywoodandswine.co…

I love all of theses actors. Here's hoping none of them die this year.

There were more laughs in that trailer than in most 90 minute comedies. Segel, Diaz, they are like the Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn of their generation and unbeatable one-two comedy punch that combines sex with absurdity for hilarious results. I am going to see the movie at least 5 times. I just need to find an

I for one do not watch television, because as a film critic I find cinema a much better art form, but for "Hannibal" I make the exception. I only hope William Petersen and Edward Norton are watching so they can see the proper play to Will Graham.

This reviewer clearly didn't watch the same film I did. "Sabotage" was the most fun I've had at the movies all year, check out my review then make your decision on who was right, http://hollywoodandswine.co…

I disagree! Kids love Corey Feldman still. Ever heard of the films "Goonies" or "Gremlins" still watched my millions of kids every year. Or for young horror fans "Friday the 13th IV" or "Lost Boys."

Finally! Barbershop 2: Back in Business left a lot of unanswered questions. Ice Cube clearly left it open for a sequel and now he has delivered on that promise to audiences. Has anyone read the novelization for Barbershop 2: Back in Business? If you haven't, it's worth the read, it really shined some light on

Megan Fox as a reporter, this I've got to see! My only gripe with this film is they didn't bring Corey Feldman back to voice Donnie, but I'm sure it was scheduling difficulties, Feldman is touring constantly with his band and starring in a lot of passion project indies.

This project sounds amazing. You know why they call her Diablo Cody, because her writing is so devilishly clever. Meryl Streep as a rock star — this I have to see. Johnathan Demme is such an amazing director, his films "Blow," "Beautiful Girls," and "Monument Ave" are timeless cinematic treasures.

Best news I heard all day! As much I hate to admit it, Harrison Ford is not going to live forever, he will die someday like my Grandpa did, so it's important he passes the Indiana Jones torch to the next generation. I was hoping Shia would get the nod, but I respect George and Steven's decision to respect Shia's

Thank you for the warm welcome. I've been watched films for almost a decade now and they have consumed me. My father used to say, "There are no bad movies, only bad critics who didn't understand what the filmmaker was trying to accomplish."