
Yeah if this isn’t coming from the App Store, no thank you.

Is this that "space-time foam" people were tweeting about last week?

A sentient AI could live forever if conditions were right so the far future might be of greater concern to it then a decade or two is to us humans. A sentient AI might realize that humans could be on a path that will not end well for us and it for whatever reasons. The AI could start to manipulate us to ensure its own

My wife and I loved the show and were sad to see it cancelled. The actors had good chemistry and made it a fun show to watch.

Maybe it was trying to get away from that shark?

Those craft beers look pretty tasty.

We should consider that 65 million years ago an event took place on Earth that eventually lead to us humans being in charge. Had that astroid not slammed into the Earth, we might not have developed with large dinosaurs roaming around. Could reptiles be the most common form of life to develop? Maybe the universe is

Studies seem to show that dogs are about as smart as a 2 year old human. They can understand 200 some words. It is best to teach them one word commands because they are great at understanding a word or two and and are very eager to help out.