
I think you guys are underplaying how bad they've been previously and also maybe don't see that their behavior is amped up because his dad just died. Every time my friend breaks up with his girl we get even more insufferable and alcoholic than usual.

I totally thought the same thing!!!

I actually think the Gary thing with him supposedly killing villains on a list, but actually putting them in storage may have been an iZombie reference (to the character Major) that then turned into a Saw parody… so it had layers, both current and old. Buuuut I could be way off base too.

yeah, I almost thought they were going to go with Zoom being an inhuman part of Garrick that separated from him when he abused Velocity-6 too much, the way they were going with it last night.

They could kind of pull it in from nowhere, kind of like Cisco's quest for the Turtle… like it's been going on in the background and Barry just never even paid enough attention to notice. Could lead to some interesting stories down the line… but yeah, you wouldn't want it to handcuff the show's plot-lines either…

"If Earth-2 is any indication, Cisco’s metahuman detection app is going to make him a very rich man."

I can guarantee you my girlfriend and I will if we get married. Especially now, in honor of this show.