
They've got pretty shallow "comedy", there is no substance available to give it more of a critique. It's not absurdist when it's simply random things repeated, like scratching a video record. Absurdism still has a message. May as well watch "Ow, My Balls!" if you're going to watch Tim and Eric, though.

I'll laugh at almost anything Monty Python does. But Tim and Eric… it just makes me think of "Ass: The Movie" from Idiocracy. I need to know whose ass it is and why it's farting.

How? It's just mind-numbingly stupid. It's not clever, it's not ironic, it doesn't force you to think, it's not even mildly absurdist except for the most generous definitions that word. It's just… dumb. I'm a stoner. In Colorado. I should be the target demographic here, and I'm simply annoyed.

Is it just me, or has anyone else never, ever laughed at anything by Tim and Eric? They're just not funny… at all.

You! Yes you! You're one traumatic head injury and a few corn dogs away from being a Juggalo! Let's get this party started!

Harm was contemplated, but it was not of the self…