
idk, i think he did what was appropriate. the alternative was punching her into submission so seemed to be acceptable. also, that lady is a cunt so fuck her. 

yeah, fuck that lady. she sucks.

stopped reading when i hit: Conversate. 

If this is what happens when Dirar gets his ass handed to him in a meaningless game, I’d hate to see what happens if he’s ever getting booed and losing 6-1 in a game that matters.”

It might even help to stop covering these fake heroes on sites like Jezebel, which only legitimizes the platform they should be denied in the first place.”

It might even help to stop covering these fake heroes on sites like Jezebel, which only legitimizes the platform they should be denied in the first place.

jesus isnt real

this take... this is the correct one.

“[I]f you were to wipe him from our collective memory, we not only lose what he did well, we lose what he did badly. And we can learn from both.”

who is anna wintour

didnt she retire or something

i wont debate the roar for the injury but when i was watching that game i initially thought the roar was because he turned the ball over and toronto was on a breakaway toward the basket. I could be wrong and probably am.


counter-counterpoint: Thailand is well aware of where it needs to improve without the US doing fucking cartwheels and counting goals on their fingers. FIFA already knows thailand needs support. This lack of class on the part of the US only serves to show how fucking pompous the US is and the stanning on behalf of

goalies dont even play soccer bruh

i guess if showing zero class in a trouncing would get you higher pay then it would be worth it but...

i think its fair to make a distinction between fan behavior and athlete behavior. if you dont agree thats fine but the fans being assholes is a little different than if the raptors themselves had been high-fiving and taunting GSW when the injury happened. 

well shit if thailand’s Nild says its cool than fuck it. case closed everyone, nothing tacky about rubbing a total fucking beatdown in a tiny nations face when you are the most dominant team in the sport. fuck i think we should have been more celebratory. im actually pissed they didnt drop hulu banners from the sky

im allowed to piss in the ocean but it doesnt mean im not an asshole for doing it

i think you could argue that cockfighting is chicken chess and you dont understand the mechanics.