David Hoggard

Hmmm…. Dissolve….

Yeah, "ax" is used by Americans and Tolkien, while "axe" is used by Britain and the Antipodes.

Is this a reference to something or just a really fucking awful thing to say?

I'd accept a half-arsed dub: "Those fucking Ame-Greeks and their stupid holi-Megali Idea! Long live Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus!"

Who gives a damn about the prophets of Tesco?

The people have spoken, amigo.

*whispers* Maybe she's born with it!
Sickle-cell anaemia, that is :(

I also have read that Morrissey raped and killed a goat in 1990 but am unable to substantiate whether Morrissey raped and killed a goat in 1990 or not. However, I did once see him, or possibly a professional Morrissey impersonator, cramming his member and several Caravan vinyls into the nether end of a chicken, which