
Darn, the always underfunded Chicago area passenger railroads at least making a decent effort to keep the trains running. Hail to my old stomping grounds. Treat those guys and gals to some quality coffee, hot Italian Beef sandwiches, and good donuts/cinnamon rolls.

OKay, that would make an interesting Halloween train ride. 

I don’t think there is much on the underside of the trains to catch fire. The main danger would involve burning the airbrake lines between cars. 

Often when the cops arrived at a crash they would just ticket or arrest everyone involved. The other reason was to provide proof against corrupt cops who wanted bribes to not write tickets or make arrests. The corrupt cops would stop you for speeding and want a bribe. Your dash camera could be used to prove that you

You must remember that prior to the fall of the USSR a large percentage of the citizens in many metropolitan areas did not drive or own cars. Those who did own or drive cars often had the fancy looking roads almost to themselves due to light traffic. The now extremely dangerous practice of turning left from the far

46%. That is not terrible. It will probably increase slowly over the next several elections as the state's demographics change. 

Actually we can’t. Mississippi has vital port facilites which are needed for international trade. Add in the seafood industry in that state and we have serious national interests in keeping Mississippi in the USA. Mississippi will improve, but maybe at a slower pace than other states. 

“...didn’t make the team...”

The white daughter getting pregnant by the black boy is sometimes the biggest disaster imaginable to at least one of the girl’s parents. If the girl’s parents have been active in successfully reducing abortion access in the state then they now face a dilemma, how to convince their daughter to get an abortion without

I don’t have kids, but I have helped various low income families who do. Those projects you wrote about drive me nuts as to how expensive they are. The teachers walk into the Michael’s arts and craft supply store and just go wild with what they want the project list to include. Styrofoam spheres and hemispheres are

I think you may be mistaken. My readings of the issue indicates Roman Catholic parents were tired of dealing with the dominate Protestant Christianity that was preached and practiced in many public schools in the USofA. They formed private Roman Catholic schools to end their children’s exposure to that. The US Supreme

Any open wheels contacting each other that might have made this incident worse than fender contact might have? The F series of racing and the Indy Car series type racing with open wheels seems sort of idiotic with the new on the loose tire-wheel protection gear. Perhaps it is time to change to full cockpits and full fe

We might classify it a a national security issue. Send out kill teams to make dead the owners of these companies and the immediate family members who benefit from the profits. Kill 10,000 of these owners and 10,000,000 of them might decide on a different way of earning the money to buy a new car.

You are not weird. I do that also. The ups and downs of the tire industry are interesting. The well deserved derision given to the original Goodyear Gatorback unidirectional tires gave way to almost every tire manufacturer using that concept. The rise of asymmetrical treads. The pushback from commercial trucking

Leak proof 100% Nitrogen filled containers, one for each tire? 

This gets complicated:

I disagree. Look at Georgia. 30 years ago the idea that a Stacy Abrams would be able to get more than 40%of the vote for governor would have been seen as evidence of illogical thinking. Today you have a diverse group of people who have more than achieved that. In addition by actually significantly using the Democratic

The last update went from 3 or 4 to 25 in one big jump. It seemed to be specifically designed to wipe out ADSL2+ as an option. Raising the standard by 500% seemed to be done almost out of spite. Going to 10 Mbps would have allowed ADSL2+ Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) to remain in the game. A 150% increase to 10