
You have to log into an account to use their products. True innovation.

White here. Let me tall ya, for the majority of people out there, all they are going to be capable of doing is listening. Even then, only if they are willing to question long standing beliefs that have been baked into their head since birth. It’s a small percentage.

I couldn’t even be bothered to finish the last third of the game. Linear combat sections padded out by seriously dated generic platforming.

This post has more effort put into it than the story for season 2.

Get help!

Wealthy enough to have planted at least two spies at Twitter. Wealthy enough to still get a meeting with the CEO after getting caught. Wonder how many of those 6000 users are still alive?

Carefull, you had better stick to sports! Wait, wrong site....let me try again. Carefull, you had better stick to , wait. What the ...

They took action against an individual for making a political statement after winning an event. Meanwhile, NetEase is using Blizzards official channels to push political statements. One gets a ban, the other gets a bonus.

Had to start searching around after reading this. The entire story just kept getting worse, and this article left some of the worst parts out. Their oatmeal stout was good, but not THAT good. Ok, gotta be honest, it is almost that good. Time to find myself a replacement though. Plenty of other good breweries out there.

Glad something like this exists. Guess i can stop coming here. 

Seems like they are pushing adds and auto playing videos a lot harder now that the list of sites at the top got shorter.

They are basing their coverage off of things Gearbox does in real life. Just because a company has been making questionable decisions with a solid IP doesn’t make covering those decisions questionable.

What Bethesda is offering is not that. The private game requires you to stay online. You have no control over the game session besides who you invite. It isn’t a private server, but a private session. At least they are keeping a consistent tone with the game. Offering an inferior product, priced above the competitors.

1) Blizzard did not initiate this, their players did. There will always be pushback for abusing a platform like theirs to make political statements. However...

Violent content showing what will likely end up as murder. Auto playing video on a loop, with zero warning. Normally i would blame this on the lack of an editor.

Part of the problem seems to be coming from the source materials used in making the product. Simply making it yourself isn’t going to help unless you are using untainted product. Being in a legal state makes that a lot easier, so there is that at least.

roman polanski...

The issues being faced are absolutely tied to past racism, but it is clearly being perpetuated by deep corruption. Simply changing the corruption from one color to another will not fix anything.

Because a shill account from a pr firm has an easier time manipulating this system than an average user. It also gets this site hate clicks.

I can confirm that the Applebee’s has already been ran into the ground.