Polls are often about wording more than the demographics of respondents.
Polls are often about wording more than the demographics of respondents.
The world actually caters to the .1% who have 90% of all the wealth.
Not ironic or surprising: poor linguistic skills of a Ravens fan.
That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.
Because it is not as popular as a lot of other sports and there is no “playground” culture which is how the greatest players started. PLaying on Saturdays at 7 doesn’t mean shit. It’s playing everyday on the playground with your friends, it’s playing the moment you get off school until it’s dark. That is how…
How’s this trolling? Kobe was an entertaining asshole for 20 years but all this #MambaDay genuflection has reached a laughable scale. He’s as overrated as a basketball player as LeBron is oddly underrated.
If only there were somewhere you could go to read something positive about Kobe that is also not backed up with stats....
Ah, cool, now post a photo of Robert Horry smiling with the larger number of championship trophies he’s won.
He doesn’t even seem to understand the things he’s writing or why they apply to his job. I mean, if that fucking stock market analogy were any more tortured Hinkie would be indicted by The Hague.
Every questionable thought I ever had about Hinkie is erased. I mean, this letter tells me he probably doesn’t have the right temperament for the job, but I literally clapped my hands together in admiration.
“12 and a half pages? How long did that take, like three years?”