David Green

I’d like to πr^2 her h/3 IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN *wink wink*

Dem polygonal boobums...

The pendant string was doodoo but it came with it’s own carrying pouch so I forgive that.

No Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete?

People literally just saying you’re wrong.

“...But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.[THEY FOUND IT NIGHTMARISH]

I’m really just trying to get a handle on this so don’t read into it that I’m saying you’re wrong (as I’m no lawyer) but is there a chance that this lawyer could be held in civil contempt for not allowing the judge to speak? Isn’t that a form of contempt towards the court?

Back shot triggered me. I need to go to my non-sexualized carrot bottom safe space now.

The trailers were terrible, no one should be surprised.

Now playing

Popularity correlating to toxicity in the community? ...

So long as they don’t cap Sanics I’m into it.

My thinking process during this gif.:

It’s an avocado.

I can’t wait for my robotic life partner to become a reality.

New Tom is terrible >:(

Teacher provided the phone, seems like she’s the one distributing.

“that is my favorite level that I’ve made so far... it was super fun to play.”

Don’t you mean if you do get it?

Hardest part of my first build was closing the CPU latch and freaking out because I was convinced my i5 just got bricked in the process :P

Now playing

You’re interested, honestly that is step one.