Stop with your fake-ass butthurt “outrage”
Stop with your fake-ass butthurt “outrage”
He washes dishes and cleans up tables. Livin’ la NEETa loca.
Sitting for that long can severely injure your back, lead to curvature, soreness, muscle fatigue... basically your body is built to move. Even if he is sitting with proper posture, your shoulders naturally want to round if you aren’t paying attention to it, which pulls your whole torso forward.
“Hmmmm” [grabs hammer]
Luigi’s junk shares that trait with Bowser.
“Is it weird to be married to someone who clearly ‘settled’?”
An only Power Weapons mode would be amazing.
Bungie puts in a trace rifle that’s worth a damn
If you’re 40 and played “wayyyyy” back in the day, that’d peg you at like, what, 10 when you started?
Cutting off hands worked for over a millennia too, so I guess we should really still be doing that.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz is just doing this to show how few people actually would play a legacy server regularly. I mean honestly, people have been spouting off about WoW dying since before it dipped below 8 million subs, and yet somehow a 150K peak player count on Nostalrius somehow “proves” legacy servers…
I just don’t know how many folks will be able to manage that with the progression system also pushing down on them.
love your thought out and well written reviews Heather. I’m wondering, would you say that, for someone uninterested in the campaign, the multiplayer experience is robust enough to warrant a buy, or does it grow stale quickly?
Wooooooow, New Monarch shaders are clearly superior.
There’s no way this guy hasn’t made some kind of threat before, in fact, I would bet he’s known as the “hardass” teacher. No one in the room reacts at all, someone had the foresight to know to film the altercation. He’s definitely done this before, and I would bet he’s targeted specifically black students too.
When was the last time you went and checked the price ??
All I want to do is eat Doritos and wear that headset all day long.
It’s a commentary on bloated educational spending, with little evidence based data supporting efficacy.