David Green

Care to share with the class why Fahey is being targeted with explicitly vulgar comments about his wife and children?

She’s... uh... a handsome woman.

Isn’t the new Warhammer total war supposed to be good?

There were a few unbelievably vitriolic comments on the video for some reason. Like, just cruelness for the sake of cruelness said at Mike. I really didn’t understand it.

That was pretty sweet

Best response ever.

This is my favorite ongoing series on Kotaku.

Oh, the other inmates are gonna have fun with this doughy little bitch

I find it adds so much to the conversation -_-

People are silly.

I mean... he has a point. We needlessly ostracized an individual based solely on their scissor-hands and that is wrong and bigoted.

“Hey man, wanna play videe games!? Let’s go!”

No worries I found it! Let me set the stage.

Leoric has just such good self sustain that you can pretty much leave him to do his own thing. and his mob clear is really good for spider queen and haunted mines.

It’s off-meta only because you can basically go to full life with Leoric using march. I’m smelling a nerf on march coming soon.

I forget which game it was, but I think it was a tempo loser bracket game. It was on cursed hollow, they were behind in towers, they won a team fight, got the third tribute, crushed a wall and rushed the core to clutch it. It was un-fucking-believable I have to find it on Youtube and post it. I really hope you saw it

GOTTA GO, the posted speed limit or else risk a citation.

Beat me to it.

At least I’ll look cool while I play like trash.

Murky, bruh, I’m cutting you off. Give me your keys, I’ll call a cab.