
A proud Ford tradition starting with the Mustang Cobra.

How long until there are actual Raptor Broncos sitting on dealer lots for sale for less than $100,000? 

the group of Texans

I think having a strong opinion on those people being “cool” or “posers” to be incredibly tiring, high school level, nonsense.

This is the 2021 version of replying “First” to an article.

Most mainstream brand car dealers aren’t looking to build a relationship, they just want to move the metal. You want a relationship? Buy a Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Lexus, etc...

People fucking love these things. Even where i live where there are nothing but brodozers and Rubicons on 35s there are a lot of these Kia/Hyundai SUVs.

I’ve got no brand loyalty, not a hard core dirt biker, but I’m also in my 40s and have owned several...

Be like Richard Branson and take a trip to Outer-Spanx.

Is it worse than brewing Coors?

This. Exactly this. The chosen image is fucking weird. Defending it is fucking weirder.

He’s a boomer. His attitude is “I got mine, fuck you!!!”

Because being a Patriot in America doesn’t mean loving your country and working toward making it better for all even if that includes sacrifice.

The holocaust was also memories, and as such, this mural is literally the definition of fucking weird. Take that eccentric bullshit and go sell it to some conservatives.

It’s weird he has the jets hitting the towers on his wall. Not weird would be having the Towers and a flag or something but this is some weird ass disaster porn shit

It’s far worse than that, these are troops trained by public funds being used for private political shitbaggery.

It’s fucking weird is what it is

I guess the Guard was cheaper than hiring Blackwater or whatever they call themselves now.

I started comfort-watching old episodes of What I Like About You and Amanda Bynes truly slayed a denim mini skirt. But she’s the only one, besides maybe Madonna.

Capped off by the text that begins with him referencing “ALLLLL of this”, as though his cute, average-sized wife is going to need to be loaded into her own, separate U-Haul truck for transport. This guy remains just as gross as he was way back when he first became lodged into pop culture consciousness. Barf!