
Um, he’s a pretty funny guy. Hate to break it to you. 

If there’s anything people love, it’s moving.

How the actual fuck is this not just a hotel? 

Hi, hello, functionning ex drug user here. I’m happy, educated, employed, stopped on my own without efforts, I just simply outgrew it. I don’t self medicate for anything because universal healthcare, why would I ? I never felt like my time doing drugs did any harm to neither my body nor my mind, never really had comedo

I, on the other hand, am just averse to a mode of transportation that requires cosplay.

Do I do

Cannot lie; when I saw this headline my instinctive thought was “Last word? Surely Shelley Long appeared on Modern Family not that long ago ohhhhhhhh right.”

I always thought she was gorgeous then too

Goddamn, Duvall looks stunning in that still. One of the most interesting faces in the history of cinema.

Guy Fieri would be so proud of you.

I just put new floorpans, Dynamat, carpet, weatherstripping, and a stereo into my 1970 F250 after years of driving around with bare floorboards with fist-sized rust holes in them. It feels like a fucking Bentley to me now! 

Seeing how my day time highs next week all start with a negative sign (Freedom units) ... yes, yes I will come to Temecula...

No. Not because of his lack of engineering diploma, but because his attention to detail is poor. His desire to make money and push shit products out the door is more aligned with an MBA than an STEM degree. 

{ I have two engineering degrees and a 4th grader learning long division - I have never felt so defeated }

This Elon is good Elon.

This is the Elon I like to see. Less drama, more science, and ....humble?
Also, reading this article felt like reading Popular Science articles from the 90s-early 2000s, in that it felt appropriately scientific yet easily digestible.

Thia would take knowledge and research beyond the capabilities of this site, but it’s a Johnny Cash cover of a Nine Inch Nails song. I know we forget now that Reznor is doing music for Pixar movies.

Big card board boxes and tape, little bit of imagination could recreate any tv show/movie...

personally i think he probably doesn’t want their relationship to get out because he is talking to other women and conning them too (typical in prison) and he really isn’t into her. at. all. he is bored as hell and is using her for amusement. 

Now those kids are grown up and are hatching plots to kidnap governors.

I liked this van so much as a kid I actually dressed up like it once for Halloween when I was little.