
Do the Crown rear doors auto open?  Are there hangers for little curtains?

Can you do a Part II: “After you’ve spent $8k [DOLLAR AMOUNT] fixing an ‘02 Discovery [INSERT CAR] and there are still issues, when do I cut bait?”

Pretty sure the Vector  image is supposed to have a Jazzercise leotard lady with a headband.  

Spiral cut. 

I see you must take a train that goes through Grand Central.  Prob 40-100 cops standing around bullshitting at all times there. 

To be clear -- I don’t have a 15 year ZZ Top beard! But, as a shaved head dude with normal-ish beard, I don’t want to be mistaken as one of these shitheads. 

Note to self -- I think it’s time to shave my beard after 15 years.  

That’s pure fishing in South Florida necessity.  I reluctantly, went down that path as well.  Raybans don’t cut it on the water. 

Isn’t passing bills to address national issues under the province of the legislature?  Or, are we saying rule by executive fiat?  If so, then let’s deal with this Roe shit, and everything else being held up by the Senate. 

Some of y’all acting like you didn’t grow up with a single mom working at the Sears in the mall, and it shows.  Sub dough with toast, sauce with Ragu, and oven with microwave. 

This still just sounds like a railyard and freight train set up.  

Ah, I see. 

I just moved to SWFL after 20 years in downtown Brooklyn. Allow me to soapbox for a second or two.

“Poof, and just like that, 5 hours on a Tuesday night just vanished as Murder Nova went from 6 to 3 on the list.”

Tough crowd here — I watch ALL of them. Counting Cars, Gas Monkey, Top Gear (I don’t get it, TBH), JDM Legends, Biker Build Off, Texas Metal, those Motortrend British ones with a budget (there are like 3 of them - Goblin Garage maybe?), Orange County, Roadkill (prob my fave), you name a car show, I am watching.  It’s

Hot Chicken dry style with corn, kewpie, and bacon or spam. You will thank me, your butthole will not.

So high, I thought this was saying Kanye’s the gold digger.  And, I don’t think that is that crazy. 

I am not into Hamilton, and I am target audience -- choir background, theater and musical dork in high school, hard core mid 90's hip hop fan (even DJ’ed back in the 90's) but that shit was/is corny as hell - esp on a day like today. 

This is the correct answer.  Already the negative publicity is > $10k

That’s not how litigation works.