
Apparent authority. Next question. 

On a similar note, if the chairlift starts rolling backwards -- time to jump is now not later. 

Respectfully disagree.  Soundtrack and cinematography make this movie still mesmerizing for me. 

I know a lot of people ripping the details on this, but my WIFE brought this to my attention and was like “why the fuck are you not on a waitlist for this?” Soooo...when they iron out the kinks, I got that going for me. 

I am in a new subdivision in Florida with contractors everywhere at all times. Real men in lifted contractor cummins trucks with giant $40,000 enclosed trailers.

Lawyer dude, and I completely agree, however Ford had a major marketing campaign to throw down a $100 to reserve a bronco at your local dealer.  Its all a bit disingenuous.  The deeper you get into pure corporate law you realize that a good chunk of legal issues go out the window and into a desk drawer, and it becomes

It’s the ol’ “I’ve spent a lot of money on booze, women, and fast cars in my lifetime.  The rest was just wasted.”

Or, you could mind your own fucking business and not cast judgment on my wife or myself. We have been together for 15 years, did not piss away money on a dumbass blood diamond ring or throw away money on a shitty wedding for a bunch of people we have not seen in years to eat shitty re-warmed food under a tent.  She

It’s not just american  -- I have bought 2 tellurides in the last 16 months.  The attitude on the lot (due to supply/demand) in both cases was “GFY” . . . I will have someone in here tomorrow that will do 10k over ask. Note: I paid 4k over ask on the second one, but it was a Nitefall in gravity gray the week they

I have been waiting on a bronco, but as someone who grew up poor and always aspired to Land/Range Rovers (I have a 2002 Disco for last 17 years) . . . I can get a pretty fucking dope Range for $50k.  And yes, spare me all the repair cost comments.  

I have had my Discovery since 2002 (only 80k miles!). I really really want to keep loving it, but I got a Telluride and it’s really tough to find a reason to drive the Discovery outside of dog runs and messy cargo from the box store. I thought I could keep up this “classic SUV or bust” thing, but in actuality there is

Ahhh, the car that inspired Pole Position.

Bought my Nitefall EX AWD off the truck last summer. Got my ass handed to me on a trade-in of a Telluride model S, but the EX is sooooooooo much nicer. Paid about 4k over MSRP, but it was available on the spot and with a Korean wife, it was the only car she wanted.  No regerts!

This great info -- let me do some google research. 

So, we are what, maybe six months out from 7seven boot cut jeans again? It seems like just yesterday.

Designer’s Inspo Board:

Commentariat: I am 46 and always dreamed of a dirt bike.  No kids, moved to FL recently and space everywhere.  Too old to start?  Let’s be realistic and any bike recs are welcomed!

Source?  So the nights following George Floyd, Mnpls/St P just had an influx of cash and with that cash people of the communities were incentivized to go out and protest?

No, not all of us saw this on TV.  A good chunk of us watched it live and/or had friends that worked down there watch human beings jump to their deaths rather than incinerate -- from their office windows. There were charred papers all over the sidewalks and yards of Brooklyn across the river.  It’s not cool to put

Missing murals: (1) attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion; (2) C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.