
Back to the Raiders?

“King. Kong. Ain’t got nothin’ on me! Git some!!”

In Wisconsin, ATM’s used to be branded as “TYME”, so we actually had “TYME machines” that were a little of column A, and a little bit column B.

To paraphrase a [popular] meme: “Some of y’all have never been in a comp-sci lab making Mountain Dew can pyramids and it shows.” Generally, the type of dudes that make it to this echelon of computer science are some esoteric, weird ass dudes.

I got Part II of this article teed up for you — a bit more nuanced, though. What’s the verdict on (i) control of the window shade (including the shade in the no-man’s land between seats); and (ii) asking a person that is reading with the 1M candlepower overhead light on the late night flight to turn that fucker off.

DROP BASS NETWORK bringing in Diesel Boy for this fundraiser.  Gonna be bangin’. 

DNC just sounds like some #pussyassbitches. 

I can’t believe these fucks get to decide the future of this nation via gerrymandering, electoral college, senate, whatever the hell you want characterize this as.  I’ve said it before, but there are more people in my neighborhood in Brooklyn than SD, ND, etc. 

I may or may not have done work for Purdue. I’ve seen shit. This is 18 years ago, but for every addiction story (fucking awful) there was a story of someone with terminal pain whose life was changed for the better with Oxy. This is not a troll — I agree that all these companies engaged in some really fucked up shit.

And coming up next, Steve Doocey’s rendition of “Ante Up.”

The Nolan Ryan Astros uniform of car decals:

Yes, yes it was. 

You like that! You like that!

Do I really have to do this? Ok, I will do this. Strong safety, North Hollywood High.

What’s depressing is that right now at this moment there is someone giving a “10,000 foot” presentation about an investment opportunity for a mass shooter building consulting firm. 

I just watch all you racer dudes from afar in my corp cubicle in NYC, but I was thinking the same thing -- aren’t wrist restraints SOP in any race vehicle without real windows???

Counterpoint: I work from home and if you go by Netflix I have probably “watched” 18 seasons of SVU five times apiece. It’s just background noise to cut the silence.

Now playing

Check out the Kaytranada mix of the same track. And then check out everything else he’s done. *chef’s kiss*

LAX is like a small town airport compared to NYC.  Never had a problem ever there. 

Note: In the Midwest we called a couple sitting side by side on the bench seat of a pickup truck “riding redneck.” Extra points for one arm manning the steering wheel and the other around your woman in a protective (marking your territory) manner.