
“Baby batter.”  The switch hitter of word choice in this instance.

Did not know that dude about Blue Chips! BUT, everyone on campus was a bit perplexed how suddenly Rashard and Brent were rolling around campus in BRAND NEW Ford Explorers with giant sound systems at about the same point in time around 94'. This was before all the Black Earth Shoe store shit (which was the worst kept

I don’t want to dox myself, but we are on the west side of the state, and for some reason our AD scheduled this game since we had come off a WIAA state championship.  Please don’t take this the wrong way, but we had never seen 9/12 dudes dunk in the warm-up “lay up” line.  Also, this was early 90's right before UW

I remember when Milwaukee Rufus King High School came to our 9000 person town and stomped our asses. It was pretty awesome.

“Dirty sevs, better than 9s and 10s.”

That coloring and wheel choice really brings out the elements of the Camaro in my eye. 

Never forget: “Though that trip has brought new attention to the justice’s penchant for travel, it was in addition to the 258 subsidized trips that he took from 2004 to 2014. Justice Scalia went on at least 23 privately funded trips in 2014 alone to places like Hawaii, Ireland and Switzerland, giving speeches,

Where available, I always stake out an observatory car seat first, and then go find my “back up” seat in Coach. 

*read in Method Man voice*

Chuck Crim

Dan Plesac - talk about a Milwaukee Brewers “let’s remember some guys” guy.

Speaking of stolen valor, has ANY Trump family member ever served in the U.S. military?

Step 5.  Wipe rim of the glass. 

Team Djoker all the way.  Do not understand all the Federer love. 

You’re giving the metal tipped Chess King belt a pass?

He’s walking as if he is Eisenhower touring Buchenwald, when he looks more like a Nazi touring a concentration camp.

*pours drink on the floor*

I have a number of friends in NY that are not legal -- but they are European.  They have zero concern about this kinda shit. Zero. 

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