
Good explanation, thank you. It does burn a bit, the package these people get for just one term (although usually much longer). I mean fucking Paul Ryan, Mr. fiscal responsibility, gets to fucking retire at what, 46, 47 on a package that most Americans (even white collar fucking hustlers like myself, admittedly) would

May his ACL be weak, and his Achilles snap-able. Godspeed, Nick Bosa. 

And get the travel pack wet wipes that you can stick in your front pocket.  Or, make your own with the paper hand towels (don’t clog the bowl!).

How many of those executives would even been in the room for this “shutout” if there was no bailout?

Yeah, but that lifetime pension and healthcare that is not tied to any type of years of services seems a bit like socialism, no?

In my neighborhood they are all street parked and are the pride and joy of the owners - I know that documentary said that in Baltimore/DC a lot of the bikes are stolen, but in my Brooklyn nabe it is pretty clear that the bikes are owned. 

Another opportunity for global domination came up.

Good response on this -- I’ll admit I thought the OP could a tomato. 

Judging by what I see in Brooklyn, the answer is “wheelies.” Seriously, I think it is being part of some type of “pack” — whether it is harleys, BMX bikes, single speed bikes — whatever the mode of transporation. Dudes just like to do the pack ride thing.

In the immortal words of Goodie Mobb:

I really like where you guys have been going with this, but I think it is time to coordinate across sites, drop the pretense, and just go for it:

Yes it is, and that way I can be stuck underground in the tunnel at the Queen’s Plaza station for 27 minutes instead of 23 minutes.  If only it were that simple. 

The x factor that does not seem to be addressed is if this tax is to alter driving behavior to reduce cars, where is the extra capacity getting picked up on the already overcrowded subways? In my case I have been using a rideshare for the last two years, because the subway was too unreliable for my area of BK. Believe

Seriously, Minnesota would like to have a word with you (and I am from Wisco).

Neither do I, but I do believe Jack Daniels may have taken a role in my drafting process, if that explains anything.  The takeaway: my friend did a lot of partying and met a lot of ladies during his stint in Shanghai.  

I have a friend that took a corporate relocation gig in Shanghai, and the dude was definitely not board. 

As mentioned below, you can BYOA.  Last time we had milk jug sized sake containers that we brought in. 

Umm, horse and whale yes, but dog, not so much.

Awww man, I just left that one hanging there. And, Scott Servais played baseball in the town over — he’s a local legend.  Strike 3, goes down looking with the bat on his shoulder. 

Service-y reminder: If you are ever in Japan, be sure to see a baseball game.