
Well said, the daily take-down pieces will be on of the things helping to set up Trump 2020.

Perhaps he meant to write “DRI?”

Trumpster Grifter

Sidenote: Her top (blouse?) game is always on point.

You still beating this horse, dude?

Asked for comment, R. Kelly responded, “I don’t see nothin’ wrong.”

I would just like to state that for some, she is known as “Aunt Becky,” but for a small few she is known as “Cru Jones’ girlfriend from Team Mongoose.”

Yup pretty sure you can read that dogs barks, Im getting fucking sick of Joey.

I brought my first (only) Jewish gf home to the midwest in college. Being from the Dairy State, my mom did the natural thing at dinner and poured everyone a tall glass of 2% milk...to go with our spaghetti and meatball dinner. My gf proclaimed this the most goy thing she had ever witnessed. I tend to agree.

Adrian Dantley. Definitely Adrian Dantley.

Was thinking the same -- a full week lost for this ticky tack bullshit. This represents like 10% of the time that the Dems have held the house.

The real question is whether they disclosed Pimp My Ride and Monster Garage as relevant prior art.

The best was when Brent Moss and Rashard Griffith somehow both got brand new Ford Explorers at the exact same time back in the day.

This comment made me visualize Youngblood, which I have not seen in probable over 2 decades. 

MC 900 ft Jesus.

Chan-andler Bong.

Jesus Christ, who the fuck really cares??

Question: can Trump even drive a car? If so, do you think he has the skills to drive on a major freeway in a fast moving rush hour pace?

You talking about the party planner?

Fun fact: the blue European Winstons are actually quite nice.