
Has this guy even been to downtown Chicago? He makes the Miracle Mile sound like the road to Fallujah. 

We know how this story ends...

She looks like the type that views herself as a solid 9.75" that can get away with saying or doing anything she wants, when actually she is a soft 4" that is getting her comeuppance.

But that new Lincoln Aviator is looking real nice. Personally, I have been looking at (gasp) Explorers after driving rovers for last 10 years. They are just too fucking expensive for how much I drive.

Pro tip: for ultimate Kraft Mac & Cheese, you need to up your processed cheese game and add one (maybe two slices) of american cheese (also Kraft) and use mayo instead of butter. No water or milk in my version, but you can go thin to win if you like. It’s fucking delicious and better than 90% of the gelatinous crap you

Lebron’s going to trade you” (CLAP. CLAP...CLAP CLAP CLAP) >

You do remember that he lost the popular vote, right?

Agreed, and adding that I don’t see why anyone has to justify their choice of auto to anyone.  Yes, the super lifted bro-dozers may be a safety concern, but your average lifted truck, who gives a shit whether it ever sees a trail!

Wall ride, bro! Looks like the Bodes spent some time in the park hitting features.

I am Gen X, and I am going to be 60 by the time the last of the boomers are done. 

Damn, it was almost like he was board-sliding the top of a flexible plastic fence. Christ, there’s no place to scrub off speed or run off!

Glory days skiers -- is there a recommended way to hit those barrier fences (e.g., skateboard vert riders go to their kneepads)? It looks like she curls her legs back before impact — not sure if this was to reduce the potential for the ski levering her knees if the ski hit first??

This also dovetails a bit with sitting elected officials running for president.  What is the mechanism where you can just say “hey, about that whole senator thing, I am going to be a bit busy the next two years, but I will do my best to hold down my obligations.”  I am pretty sure my employer would tell me to get bent

Hmmm, if only there was one site where I could visit that consolidated the days best news in cars, gossip, politics, sports, and technology...if only...j/k

What are you talking about, that dude shovels bullshit every day!

Thats not a headband, that is a headband.

Roger Stone seems like the kinda dude that would be into some weird German/Nazi torture porn. And I am not talking BDSM, I mean like chainsaws and shit.

I love how Cohen keeps trotting out the sympathy ploys -- using his daughter as a Tiny Tim prop toy, the pilllow arm-sling support a few days ago, and now the pleas about how “shit just got real because his wifes father got brought into this mess (the Donny Deutsch MSNBC appearance the other nite was gold).  

Is this a myxlplyx reference? I know nothing about DC/Marvel, but I did watch a lot of Superfriends back in the day.