Old Joke
Old Joke
That also
Oh geez Bleacher Report and their click bait asses. Be careful Deadspin the BeyHive might go after you
Sour Argentinian Grapes are sweet for the rest of South America. Also he should know his own country’s corrupt history of the 1978 World Cup. Why I brought it up other then to ramble while watching the Women's Final.
As a Warriors fan, knew they were gonna go back rooting for Lakers. (It was like that back in the 80s thru the early 2010s) but yeah there's gonna be fresh looking Leonard Clippers jerseys sprouting about the Bay Area.
Blatant Shithead versus Pretentious Shithead both need unclogging of the soul.
I'll take any boring ass jersey from Today then say some of the 1990s jerseys
RIP Big Man,
Dammit that made me chuckle
Its Crabmeat
Why can't Drake be a Rockets ambassador.
As they say in Baseball you have Rabbit Ears. Just excited for the condescending reply you’ll give and then threaten to beat someone up. Is there a link of your Masters Thesis from Cal Tech about Baseball Analytics? Well yes you could out argue me , I’ll give you that. However any response I’ve seen from you on this…
Or we could drain some Cow Utters and have a laugh.
I cant wait for 2039 to prove you wrong and buy you a cocktail. Im just having a blast some twits are trying to out argue each other with screen names with Pudding and Milk. Hooray for Dairy.
Bonds never won any championships on any level ever. So yeah your takes hella suck guy
No one likes a mouthy hipster nerd, good luck gentrifying Louisville you pouty dweeb.
Calm down on the Bleacher Report esque headlines nonsense.
Don't forget the San Diego classics The Stuntman, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Almost Famous
The Warriors Did It, they shot Cyrus https://images.app.goo.gl/YbWBqGapWNkHGe4e8
Whats better than interracial lesbian porn, the Rockets griping at each other.