David Christian Dalton

Kate Bush - "The Dreaming"

"Below the Lights" is glorious. The end of the golden mid-career three-album-run from Norway's most consistent metal starwalts.

Queensrÿche - "Operation: Mindcrime"
Roxy Music - "Country Life"
Roxy Music - "Stranded"
Roxy Music - "For Your Pleasure"
Roxy Music - "Siren"
Roxy Music - "Roxy Music"

Where is Girlschool's, "Hit and Run" (1981)?

Demonstrable fact, not opinion!

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers, Messerschmitt Bf 109E fighters and Heinkel He 111 medium bombers were featured in the film.

Eddie Jobson's violin solo on "Out of the Blue" by Roxy Music.

Well, technically, what I meant was that I've seen Iron Maiden five times and that I've also seen Neko Case five times. But WALRUS KING made the joke and, knowing Neko is a Maiden fan, it was easy to run hard with it.


Neko Case and Iron Maiden.

I've listened a little more. This album has many more layers than people are giving it credit for. Listen to an album more than one time as background music, people! Indie hipster musicians: take the HAIM challenge: Learn, say, the "forgettable" title track to this song and play it correctly….you'll understand why

Anyone who is a musician or a legitimate music fan knows that Haim have an "Avalon" or an "Art Angels" in them. You can almost smell it coming off the shells of the drums or the tube-warmed amp cabinets. It is an instinctual, emotional, knowledge.

Ulver - "The Assassination of Julius Caesar"

Ulver - "The Assassination of Julius Caesar"
Soundgarden - "Down on the Upside"
Sólstafir - "Berdreyminn"
Helium - "The Dirt of Luck"
Helium - "Magic City"
Pink Floyd - "Meddle"
GAS - "Narkopop"
Tim Hecker - "Ravedeath, 1972"

This piece has needed to be written since 1994. One of the best reflections on Soundgarden/Cornell that I've ever read since that 1990 article in Musician with Eric Clapton on the cover.

Slowdive - "Slowdive" (2017)
Slowdive - "Souvlaki"
Slowdive - "Just for a Day"
GAS - "Narkopop"
Ulver - "The Assassination of Julius Caesar"
Vampire - "With Primeval Force"

GAS - "Narkopop"
Vampire - "With Primeval Force"
Venenum - "Trance of Death"
The Black League - "Ichor"
Chelsea Wolfe - all
Marissa Nadler - "July"

My 17 year-old said that he didn't feel like he watched Logan die, but that he was actually watching Hugh Jackman die. We were both in tears!

Favorite piece of theology (Low Anthropology) in the whole film: