They were not listening to the Fremen prophet FatBoy Slim
They were not listening to the Fremen prophet FatBoy Slim
Ummmm... where’s the pug?
He’s on a press tour for a Disney Plus show. That he got anywhere NEAR discussing American perceptions of police work in 2021 in connection with his roles (especially considering the show he’s promoting is a show about American law enforcement) probably had 3 different PR reps making cut-off signs at their throats.
An article about a logo, a video about a logo and you only get to see the logo for 2 seconds towards the end of the video.
“Hey, Marco, how’s tricks? That was one crazy-ass Purge Night, right?”
Combine ‘The Purge’ and ‘The Hangover’ into one franchise: a group of best buddies have to retrace their steps and figure out who they brutally murdered the night before.
Dowd doesn’t always handle the MCU, but he gave Spider-Man Homecoming, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy all B grades and CA:Civil War and CA: The Winter Soldier B+s.
Is the Inhumans the MCU’s screwup? I mean, most of that “Inhumans as the new X-Men” stuff was in the comics, and ultimately they shunted the onscreen project off to TV, where it could be Ike Perlmutter’s failure.
This is something like the archetypical AA Dowd review: the grade’s a B-, the text reads like it should actually be a D+, and it describes just enough in disparaging terms to make it clear that the movie’s exactly what I’m looking for. Honestly, you had me at Rachel Weisz in The Americans.
I dunno, the review faults this movie for ending on a floating fortress, and that one ends on three times as many floating fortresses as that.
Reminds me of the speech early on in G.L.O.W.
I hope that one of these days Marvel will take these reviews to heart and finally make the quiet, contemplative film everyone is supposed to be asking for but does not want to see
Who is Loki when not scheming or obsessing over the giant chip on his shoulder from being Thor’s brother? Turns out he’s just a guy who likes to sing and dance and get hammered like any other Asgardian.
If only Rosario Dawson had been given time to grow out her natural montrals and head tails.
As a kid I was an avid reader of Expanded Universe crap, and I remember that most stories about the Empire were just “Most of the Empire is fragile British publican men yelling about purity, but I, the only alien/woman/alien woman, am here because I EARNED it, and they have learned to respect me.” For a long time the…
It’s funny, but this was my favorite episode this season. I thought it was by far the funniest, with each plot working really well. I’ve always been a sucker for Barry, especially in the ISIS episodes, and the subversion of the past episodes was great.
The novel actually made a point of stacking up a whole bunch of reviews that compared it to Elmore Leonard, which is actually what got me interested in Leonard, so I have that to thank it for. And you can especially see the resemblance if you compare it to Sonnenfeld’s own adaptation of Get Shorty a few years earlier.
This is a weird example, since the depiction of the Air Force in Captain Marvel is a toxic organization where good pilots are excluded from roles they want (combat duty) because of their gender, the male pilots are at best louche and at worst sexual harassers, and the organization as a whole covers up the “death” of a…
Do you ever get a kick out of watching late-80s/early-90s movies and seeing the Barely Concealed Terror of the Japanese?
I imagine we’ll get a similar kick in 20 years from watching movies of this era and seeing the And Now a Moment to Thank Our Benevolent Chinese Sponsors moments