
This game runs into a similar problem as the 2016 movie: How the hell is a lady with a bat, a guy who shoots good, a guy with above average strength, and a guy with a boomerang supposed to kill the Justice League?

Mallory Jansen affected an American accent as AIDA but used her native Aussie accent as Agnes.

Dramatic irony: Victoria Hand, who remorselessly shot several loyal SHIELD agents in the Hub for not reacting the way she wanted to her little “test”, being so horrified at having shot a SHIELD agent.

I could so see that the Agents of S.W.O.R.D. could be of interest to Disney + once the world begins in full again. It could technically be their family Marvel adventure series.

I laughed when I realized that AoS had essentially filmed a Zoom meetup MONTHS before the pandemic started. Talk about good science fiction predicting the future....

If Disney can learn the lesson that Clone Wars and Rebels were indeed good feeder material for more Star Wars content - then maybe they’ll learn it here too. Sadly, if anything was learned from the Tom Holland drunk-plea deal with Sony, it's that CEOs have egos that outweigh fan opinion. Tom got lucky, but it seems

It still makes me chuckle to think back on the comments during the first season—when people seemed to haaa-aaa—ate Sky with such passion (a homeless hacker—HA!) and despise vanilla Ward and only had good things to say about Melinda May or maybe Coulson now and then.

Man, that sequence even looks good in gif form.  Though I am rather partial to Daisy’s one take John Wick sequence from season 3 I think it was.

I’m not entirely clear why blocking Jemma’s child from her memory was entirely necessary

So Daisy: Agent of S.W.O.R.D.

Yeah, it’s really dreadful.

If anyone’s interested in another, possibly more creatively successful take on the idea of “Star Trek Comedy Featuring Starfleet Officers Who Aren’t The Best Of The Best,” I strongly recommend the late Improvised Star Trek podcast. The Wizard from Hello From the Magic Tavern is the Captain! Former(?) Maquis Terrorist,

I get the distinct impression that they fall prey to the most common misconceptions that most people who didn’t watch much Star Trek seem to: That TOS was actually “The Wild Wild West,” only set in the future, i.e. a show about guy who was constantly screwing, getting into fist fights, and finding himself in

Yeah, she’s the knock-off Vader to his thrift store Palpatine: Not too bright, easily manipulated, full of rage and power.  She’s the true believer in his “cause” and ripe for disillusionment and inevitable reversal.

I think it’s smart not to have the Big Bad overshadow the core team. We know these guys are threats because of what they’ve done in the past, but the stakes are just a hair lower because they have also been soundly defeated in many ways throughout the MCU. Letting the agents shine is how we should go out.

Lol. Look at the number of people drafted during Vietnam and tell me that it would be more equal. The rich and powerful always get out of compulsory service in any nation it’s used.

“If you die you forget what you learned” was a nice little update to the rules of the genre that added some stakes without changing the basic format.

Agent In the Middle of my Backswing?!

“So Deke’s dead right?”

Yes! This show kicked ass. It did a nice job adapting long-form comics storylines to be cartoons. So 90s, and the theme song was probably one of my all-time favorites. I think this series is probably better than the Spider-Man one from the same era, but they're pretty similar.