For his post-CatCo career, James is deciding between becoming the media director of the Smithsonian and running for Senate. Umm, okay!
For his post-CatCo career, James is deciding between becoming the media director of the Smithsonian and running for Senate. Umm, okay!
...and the fact that David Harewood probably doesn’t want to sit in a makeup chair for hours everyday getting his full Martian Manhunter outfit on makes total sense.
- Lena named her AI Hope, and the House of El sigil stands for hope. I don’t think that that’s a coincidence.
I remember getting cold (like, chilled) Mac and Cheese at a Panera once, and when I brought it back to get heated up, I cracked a joke about how the oversight had ruined all my illusions about what’s behind the counter.
Yeah, for all the jokes about underwear, the contrast really helps define the poses. The original Superman costume was inspired by what performing strong-men wore, basically the athletic wear of the day, and you can still see it today in workout clothes having a lot of superfluous accent colors and patterns. The iconic…
Especially since National City is ersatz L.A., and noncompete clauses are generally unenforceable under California law.
The pearls could’ve been gathered up by the cops when they were taking evidence at the crime scene, and then returned to Bruce with the rest of the Waynes’ personal effects. Then he re-strings the necklace, hangs it on a bust of Shakespeare, bing-bang-boom.
Wait, there’s a woman called Leslie Lopez, a and she didn’t end up being the famous one?
Beards count as body-hair?
This sounds like it might make up for the bitter disappointment of “Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter.” Come on! He gets modern clothes, a haircut, and a piercing five minutes after appearing on-screen. What the hell was that? I didn’t rent “Some Guy: Vampire Hunter”!
That etymology is dubious and unclear. It could also be derived from “fancier,” which makes a lot more intuitive sense considering how the word is used (as you yourself observed).
That actually sounds like a pretty good movie. A little bit of Gamergate, a little bit of Catfished, topped off with the “Terminator” device of a serial killer methodically offing everyone with the same name. I can’t decide if it should be a horror movie or a quirky comedy, though.
When Greg Cox’s Eugenics Wars books came out, he talked about about how when he first began working on the books, he talked with various Trek stakeholders about what approach to take (alternate history or secret history), and IIRC, one of the DS9 producers had the winning argument that a key element of the Star Trek…
You’re reminding me of the SMBC about how exhausting it would be to find someone who forces you to blossom into your best self.
I don’t know, they got some dweeb to be Mxyzptlk instead of Gilbert Gottfried. They could’ve just written the role the same way, too, have him going around trying to bone all the hot CW people, it’d be like Benny Hill.
Apparently Vanessa Kirby either aged fantastically, or Jason Statham has some city miles on him (or a mix of both, because there are flashbacks that show they can’t be more than, like, five years apart in age.
Back before the coma, I remember being pleasantly surprised that Archer seemed to be keeping some track of its relative dates, with stuff like Cyril meeting Trinette and Seamus’s birth happening about a season apart, and stray mentions of how much time had passed since earlier episodes. I feel like there was a bit…
I was surprised he mentioned the not-chestburster scene but didn’t call out the quote of Ash trying to kill Ripley by shoving a rolled-up porno magazine down her throat (as a reference, since it took up a significant amount of the review).
Reminds me of a story one of my professors said about a movie he was working on once. They had to start rolling on a scene, but one of the walls of the set hadn’t been completely painted yet. The director said, “Just shoot it anyway, let somebody in film school figure out what it means.”
I’m not sure I’d say “flailing desperately to capture ‘90s Trek nostalgia” is a much more shit-giving ethos than “flailing desperately to capture TOS nostalgia,” but we’ll see.