
In the job interview scene, he does everything but outright say, “Oh, haunted with a history of grisley murders? That sounds like a great fit, I’ve been looking for an excuse to kill my family for a while.”

King didn’t have to go “out of his way” in any sense; he was writing a sequel to his own novel, not to Kubrick’s film. Nothing to “ignore” or “restore” — just writing a sequel to the plot he’d written in the first book.

I see how as slow, “there have always been mutants, now they’re just getting common” phase-in could work, but for them to be specifically hated and discriminated against they need to have been around for a while. My idea is to do House of M, but just reverse the ending so we go back to the real world, except now there

Which brings us to a thing I’m looking forward to more, the smoothed path towards bringing iOS apps to Mac. I’d really like being able to listen to my Overcast playlists on my computer instead of one episode at a time through the website (I hadn’t realized that I’d come full circle; splitting out Podcasts from the

Same. I’ve been dreading the revamp and replacement of iTunes for years, even though it’s often buggy and parts of it under the hood are deeply, deeply outdated, because whenever something has been split out of iTunes thus far (eBooks, ringtone management), and when the split the old iPod app on the phones into

I saw a talk by some ILM folks about The Force Awakens’ visual effects, and they mentioned several of the new tools they were using were named, like, “Lightcraft” and “Lenscraft” or whatever because they’d actually been developed for Warcraft, and there was some teasing that Warcraft had been in production for so long

I definitely feel like a little bit of the magic has gone since the show went all AU fanfic on us (next season, the gang works in a coffee shop!), and even as a big ol’ sci-fi nerd, I’m not sure how I feel about them jumping into the genre. It sort of feels like Mission to Zyxx if it had gotten started during the

There didn’t seem to be a lot of “class” going on, which tracks with my experience. IIRC, the post-finals schedule was all but optional, and the only people who came in had nothing better to do or wanted to get a head start wallowing in nostalgia (or, I guess, had to take make-up tests).

Ironically (fuck it, iRonically), Apple’s been moving away from the “i” branding for over ten years. They just ended up committed since they couldn’t rename the iPod, and decided “PhonePod” wasn’t the right way to evoke it.

And, IIRC, wrongful termination is a sack of shit. The best you can get is your old job back and back pay between your time being fired and being rehired. So there are plenty of jobs where that doesn’t add up. Never mind the fact that who wants to go back to a job that fired them for reporting health code violations,

I was talking to my folks recently and they were surprised that, even on the opposite side of the country, I’d heard through social media that the lovebugs were especially bad this year.

Good point. Their knowledge was based on Robin’s drawings, so they had a pretty sketchy understanding of what was to come, aside from when the SHIELD team was set to be spit out in the future.

I’m looking forward to them finding out that they’re in desperate need of the second-most common mineral on the planet.

For tonight’s political commentary, “My Way” is Donald Trump’s chosen theme song/pump-up music, and there’s no end to fascinating speculation on how that ties in with his character. And, of course, there was the aside about putting Baker in a blonde wig.

I was thinking Darkseid and Granny Goodness, too, until they started talking about Leviathan, which is apparently another thing that wasn’t in the DCAU, which is where all my comics knowledge comes from.

I really love a degree of nemesis mismatch... no, that’s not a good way of putting it... maybe “unequal emotional investment by enemies”? The point is, Lex is fighting Supergirl, and Supergirl’s show, but his heart belongs to Superman. The specific thing it reminded me of was some takes on Batman, where the Joker is

Self-help writer-turned-pop novelist W. Bruce Cameron...

The day/night switch was baffling - I have to hope it was some weird part of her powers (hence activating the suit) because otherwise, wow.

I was watching it, and I was thinking “This is definitely from a comic. There’s no way any TV writer would be this cracked-out about the power-of-the-sun thing.”

I trailed off, I don’t know, seven or eight years ago, when I had a short-lived but regular Sunday night commitment, and only in the last few seasons have come back semi-regularly, being defined as “If the AVC grade is a B- or better.” I got into a nice groove recently of watching Supergirl then checking to see if the