
It was! Bear McCreary, with the musical in-jokes.

That’s definitely my ideal outcome. It feels like a waste of a shared universe to not have the climactic sequence of some season finale or something ruined because key people start disintegrating and the survivors have to still save the day. Back when they were (apparently) tying into Infinity War, I was sure that

There are a few ways they can address it, if they care to. There weren’t that many references to Infinity War last season, so they could that they were actually talking about something else, and we’re set pre-IW (which I would like, if only because I’m delighted by the prospect of people dissolving at the worst

We’re probably just gonna ignore this like we did the whole Fitz torturing Daisy thing (because I don’t even really know why Daisy would be even so willing to be on this search after all the crap that Fitz and Simmons has pulled with her last season).

- Was it just me, or did it seem like J’onn’s Martian head had CG on it? His mouth movements looked really, really weird.

Uh, how long has the “More from TVClub” header at the bottom of the page read “Elsewhere at Catco” on these reviews?

Beat me to it.

Well, thank God that in the real world, people wouldn’t just accept as status quo that someone in the White House had completely lost his grip on reality.

Maybe the three of them set up one of them fondue arrangements. Or Sousa would’ve been horribly murdered by Hydra in season 3.

I remember someone once telling a story about a group of people who went to see “Serenity” with copies of the making-of book (which included the final shooting script) and read it outloud along with the movie. Of course, after like five years of road-shows, they’d probably already seen it before the actual wide

Maybe that’s why it took so long for Dr. Strange to get around to bringing all the heros who returned to the party; first they had to save all the people on Earth who were dusted in planes, helicopters, on the freeway, in submarines...

There were no Ba’ul flying with the Kelpians, just Ba’ul ships piloted by Kelpians, at least that we saw. I guess that revolution went pretty well.

Good to know Starfleet engineers still fill the ships’ bulkheads with lots of medium sized rocks though.

I keep wondering about some mushroom scientist working on something when suddenly all of Paul Stamets papers suddenly disappears from every computer.

Hey, they paid to build a rotating corridor segment, they’re getting their money’s worth. Gotta recreate all those sequences we’ve already seen in the movies. The space jump in the season premiere (seen in two movies!), the rotating corridor fight, the attack by a swarm...

I’m a little surprised by how many people still say Season two was an improvement over season one. I’ll admit, the first four or five episodes were kind of wobbly, and the last two were total garbage, but the middle span from around “Lethe” to around “Vaulting Ambition” was a really strong stretch, and almost all of

Please, I was specifically whining that Discovery did not, in fact, set up anything for next season. We know about as much of what season 3 of Discovery will be like as we knew about season 1 of Discovery this far in advance. Less, probably. That doesn’t seem like the right degree of familiarity considering I’ve

The part that confuses me is that they go and established the Red Angel was actually Michael’s Mom, which is fine, because her suit did a lot of stuff that wasn’t time-travel, like, for instance, neutralizing the Ba’ul’s energy beams that were about to exterminate all the Kelpians, but she lives in the future now, so

It expects us to forget Saru was remarkably afraid of being eaten for someone who lived in a bucolic paradise where the “natural predator” they were so scared of was just an ominous tower that euthanized people who were about to, as far as they knew, endure an agonizing death.

I’m a little suspicious they might’ve been intending to do the Borg thing and changed their mind late in the game. Given the reaction cube can do single-person spore jumps, and spore jumps can travel in time, it seems sensible for me to that Georgiou was going to lure him in there and then send him away to whatever