
In the Sinatra at the Sands live album (1966), during Frank Sinatra’s stand-up bit, he mentions one of his drunkard showbiz friends has been “stoned more often than a United States embassy.”

It’s pretty easy for iTunes songs, they stopped selling them with DRM almost a decade ago (unless you count writing your name into the file as “DRM,” but I think that’s a fair way to discourage piracy without actually stopping you from doing anything you want to the file). They had a couple different ways to trade up

Precisely. I get that we all hate Apple, but this sort of thing happens all the time in the digital-download world. Some sites have literal monthly features on what’s coming and going from Netflix. There was that whole dust-up a while back when a publisher decided to stop selling 1984 on the Kindle and, whoops, there

I was a little confused after many months of seeing the “Dawn of Man” semi-serious prehistoric drama trailers in front of anything when I saw the more, well, kiddified trailer in front of Incredibles 2.

I’ve been hoping for a Doctor Who episode, but we may have to wait for another regeneration or two at this point.

I figure they could ease into it. They’re basically close-enough to earlier version of the Klingons (at least, in as much as the earlier (TOS, TMP, TSFS/TNG, TUC, JJ-verse) looked to each other), minus the extra nostrils, giant heads, and lack of hair. Dial those features back, give em some biker-wigs, throw in some

Absolutely agreed. This stuff is catnip for me.

There’s not a lot there, but it looks like they’ve solved the creative dissonance that was affecting the VFX’s style before. There’s clear lighting, reasonable shot compositions, and not a lot of gaudy effects like extreme bloom (bright areas of the frame having a glow around them) and chromatic aberration (the

It would fit in with other YouTube gags, like the custom loading icon on any video that mentions fidgit spinners.

I hope those swan lungs fix my personal favorite design flaw of the human body; our feedback system for detecting breathing trouble isn’t based on whether our lungs have too little oxygen, but whether they have too much carbon dioxide. It’s why inert gas asphyxiation is a thing. You just walk into a bubble of nitrogen

Han is absolutely the dog in that relationship. You just know that after TFA, all Chewie could think was “I knew I should’ve gotten him fixed. Everyone told me he’d live longer if I did.”

Yeah, the star we saw explode had a bunch of blue planets fairly close to it. The impression I got was that was a representative sample of the protomolecule’s CV, and not what it was doing at that moment. But, probably, what it intends to do very soon.

Now, we’ve narrowed Archer’s father down to Buddy Rich, Major Jackov, Len Trexler, the dead Italian antifacist, mysterious snake venom vision alligator man, or some combination of the above. I’m sure that can all be woven into one sensible and satisfying conclusion that won’t be at all half-assed and disappointing

“... with her cats?”

Not a book-reader, but I got a bit of a “Dark Forest” vibe off of that vision. Can’t wait to see how the apparent confirmation of the protomolecule’s genocidal ambitions square with it’s equally apparent conscience it’s developing (stopping the ships without killing anyone, only stopping the bullets and not the

I loved that bit of production design. “We don’t want to spend a lot of time looking for the secret door.” “How about we have a tiled wall, and all the tiles are clean except for one that has more fingerprints than an iPad after five minutes with a toddler?” “Perfect.”

So I wasn’t the only one who remembered Stargate: Atlantis. Their take on the “punch me” concept was, well, punchier, though. Aw, and I just remembered Recurring Guy From Season One Whose Name I Can’t Remember that they killed off at the end of the season to prove things were serious, just like poor Deimos here.

There’s a pretty good reason they wouldn’t go that close to the speed limit; it’d make it easy for something (either accident or attack) nudge them over the line and then, splat. I’d like to leave a very healthy margin with that consequence over my head.

In the last episode, he said something about being killed when he exceeded his “boundary conditions” and then recreated. Perhaps the Ring can’t project to more than one person (or hasn’t learned how to, yet; the moment where he made his reflection appear in the mirror was very intriguing), or maybe it doesn’t want the

I’d really like to dig into speculating on what Miller’s specific metaphors and ramblings might mean, but having all the people around who already know kind of sucks the fun out of it.