
The bit about the mega-Church was in the prior episode. I remember thinking it was odd because he looked so... not baptist or wishy-washy nondenominational.

I had mixed feelings about spacecraft allocation in this episode. “Come on, Belters, are you stupid? Taking all your ships, including your big one-of-a-kind son-of-a-bitch into the ring? That’s not smart.” Then, five seconds later: “Come on, Holden, are you stupid? Flying to the nucleus of the bubble in a suit and not

They also mentioned him having a “mega-church,” didn’t they? That’s also not really an RCC term though, again, future. Who knows what could be happening? Maybe you can download rice?

I think part of that is just the setting. After stark, realistic-ish light, the soft ambient light makes every shot within the bubble seem like the 3D modeler is working on his demo reel.

Be your own person like Julie. That’s why he loved her more than you.

There’s also one right at the end of the teaser, when Archer says Noah is “the fucking worst.” I feel like there might’ve been a third.

If it rotates (or seems to), it has a south. They haven’t really made it clear where the “sunlight” comes from, but assuming they don’t just switch the sky on and off like a light every morning, “south” is just the direction where the sun comes up to your left and goes down to your right (also, apparently, Argo City

(Agents of SHIELD was smart in introducing the “ICER,” a company-wide stun gun. The show had the agents using it right from the start)

Ooh. I’d thought that was the cockpit of the cargo ship, not a separate shuttle.

It’s been a little weird for me, since my main exposure to David Strathairn has been him hawking mail-order deli food on Selected Shorts, so I just get a little sense of his voice under the accent and wondering when he’s going to mention babka.

I’m a little curious about the intended design of the ship. Were they going to be using the rotating section during their hundred-year voyage to, what was it, Tau Ceti? Or were they going to Epstine it the whole way out, with the colonists all living sideways (or frozen, do they freeze people in The Expanse?), with

I remember reading an interview with Tim Russ where I learned he was one of those actors that says “I” a lot when talking about their character. I’m not sure which, if either, of your theories that supports, but I always thought it was interesting.

Well, there are a lot of indefinite series that aren’t shaping up to have, at 1.5 seasons to each book, a 14 year run. Though I see the book-readers are speculating that some of the novels will compress more than the first two did.

I made the same observation about Julie’s hallucination of Miller and the bird just before she died (or whatever) in the season one finale. Even if she was seeing a timey-wimey flashforward of him discovering her body later in the episode, she wouldn’t have known him in his detective outfit.

When it first came up, the radial arrangement, two level design, and situation table in the center made me think the King’s bridge was the Tycho command center, though when I went back to check, I saw Tycho was actually horseshoe-shaped, and the second level was only Fred Johnson’s office. Which, on the other hand,

It seems a little odd, come to think of it, that the deceleration would be uniform enough not to flatting the ship like a soda can, but that wouldn’t extend to our lovelorn pilot. I suppose that the pause could, in fact, only affect nonliving matter. Or maybe there’s something else going on. I don’t know. We’ll all

Thanks to all who liked this post after the AoS season finale aired, so it can serve as a reminder of my ultimate fallibility. I still think my analysis made sense, though, and it would’ve been preferable to either not mention it, or explicitly set the episodes shortly before IW.

The opening montage of this season had a news report say that “multiple sources” had told them the thing from Eros was called the Protomolecule. It sounds like the Abergast was when the word got out.

Yeah, but that was all implied. You didn’t actually see mass graves and charred corpses on BSG until literally the last thing they produced, “The Plan,” flashed back to the miniseries and gussied up the Cylon attack a bit. And that was unrated and direct to video. I don’t even know how much of it was actually

It’s not the biggest plot twist of the hour—that would almost certainly be the giant fucking alien spaceship that rises up out of Venus at the end