
S-G is spineless - he totally would agree with a janitor if he spoke to one last - and Earth deserves better.

I wouldn’t mind reading past the first chapter of “Buttercup’s Baby.” Abridged, please.

I’d compress the IW timeline down a bit, just because there’s no sense in doddling. Maw attacks New York in the morning on day one, more-or-less simultaniously with Qovas’s ship arriving at the Lighthouse. Midnight and Glaive attack Scotland at local night, maybe eight to twelve hours later, depending at what time of

I don’t think Whitehall was turned into an Inhuman, and they’re pretty much recreating his miracle anti-aging face-cream (the secret ingredient is Nazi atrocities).

On a related note, “Teal’c: PI” from SG-1's “200.”

Adams and the BBC actually did try starting up a real-life version of the Hitchhiker’s Guide. It’s gone independent in the years since, and, like it’s namesake, seems to remain a plucky also-ran in comparison to the real-world Encyclopaedia Galactica that is Wikipedia, but it’s still extant. Hard to see if it’s still

The Expanse definitely goes with a variation on the Monty Python strategy in space battles, in that the best way how not to die is not to be shot. Most ships (and, um, cities) are one-hit-kills, unless they’re fighting too close to use nuclear torpedos, or they’re trying to capture the ship or otherwise minimize loss

I’m not sure I’d say Julie “couldn’t” be the hybrid Mao wanted. In fact, given how she seemed to be in the driver’s seat of Eros, Julie’s transformation looks like what J.P. is hoping to get by continuing the experiments; not an unthinking, uncontrollable brute, but someone who he can actually talk to and, as Miller

I’d say launching all the hybrids definitely qualifies as a “manifesto,” as opposed to a “statement.”

To make another Simpsons reference, Souther (and, especially, Souther’s one officer who was trying to crawl away) had a bit of a Groundskeeper Willy/Scatman Crothers thing going on. Though, at least they got to help a little.

Speaking of actors, we got our first Cylon in The Expanse, good ol’ Aaron “Number Five” Doral. Still as unimaginative and a bit buffoonish as ever.

VFX twitter is having a hearty chuckle over the fact that the news story about the stolen costume only uses clips of the CG suit, because the real-world suit looked like ten gallons of ass in a five gallon hat and was a terrible mistake by all involved. You know how in Iron Man 2, Tony looks kind of fat when he’s

Stray Observations:

Black Panther explicitly took place a week after Civil War, so it comes before Homecoming and well before Ragnarok chronologically.

Honestly, if they were going to do a hard split between AoS and the films, they’d just not have brought up Thanos and told anyone who cared that AoS has yet to reach early-to-mid 2018 up until Avengers 4 had resolved everything. The fact that they’ve been bringing up Thanos for the past two episodes makes it pretty

I ran the numbers, and the odds of no one on the team dying through sheer chance is around 0.19 percent

I found it suspicious that last week’s episode just happened to mention that Fitzsimmons expected Deke to dissolve into nothingness if they successfully saved the world, and I’ve been expecting for a while that the planet would be destroyed because the team was somehow tricked into believing they’d already succeeded

By my reckoning, the Confederacy ship arrived more-or-less simultaneously with the start of IW, which means that since it’s now late night/early the following morning on the US east coast, we’re somewhere between the Scotland and upstate NY scenes in the film, so there’s still somewhere between half a day to a day and

Is it just me or is TV getting into a gross phase recently? It’s happened before (like, in earlier years) but, yech, it’s been a while since I’ve seen stuff this jacked up.

I think the camera move was playing tricks on you. It looks to me like the thrusters cut out just as the rotation stopped.