
That’s probably why he was eliding over the fact that the strike on Brazil was a response to the “military option” that Esteban had changed his mind on, and made it sound like Mars was making the first strike.

The JJ thing really bothered me in his Star Trek movies, where in both cases of five-minute interstellar voyages, there’s a cut that could be hours or, hell, days later, but there was just one line added to make it explicit that it’s only been a few moments since the previous scene.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure the “Concordia” name isn’t long for this world, if only because of the book-readers calling it that even when it was the Tachi, or an unseen bit of the Donnager.

I hate fucking love to be a pedant, and “née” means “born,” so the review should really say “formerly Rocinante,” or, if you’re trying to win the trivia contest, “née Tachi.”

The producers’ rationale that having the book breaks come mid-season is going to feel weird for exactly one week and then be fine for the rest of human history now that we’re securely in the age of the binge and no one is going to care about the season breaks is compelling. I’m glad they didn’t follow that to its

Incidentally, Ivanov can’t be the one who gets it, because I’ve since found out that that was the real one that was killed, not one of the remote-controlled doubles.

As I see it, there’s no shortage of people who might get the Gravitonium, and they keep putting more on the board. Ruby was slated for it, or maybe it’ll be Daisy, and now they’ve suggested it might be Ivanov (yeah, that’ll be great, his little head in a jar just trembling in impotent rage and splitting the ground

I’m still confused and a bit disturbed that Deke’s DNA showed that he was only related to two people, Fitz and Simmons, when he should have four grandparents alive. I mean, sure, maybe Papa Deke’s parents were just nobodies who aren’t in a DNA database but, still.

Sucks to your ASMR!

Well, there was one. Kind of. For a couple seconds. You didn’t see his face, so they didn’t get the actor, but it was definitely a Ward.

That being said, Fitz is awesome and they better not kill him.

I’d love to see how any adaptation would handle the romance at the center of “The Dark Forest” which, and I say this in the most loving way possible, was the biggest pile of golden-age neckbeard-wish-fulfilment horseshit I ever read in my life, and I spent the last two year of High School mainlining every Clarke and

Hell, it’s just a more sedate version of meme culture. Reebo and Zooty (with a machine!) were only a couple years before we were all running around saying “...Covered in beeeees!” as a punchline/secret handshake. And now with Twitter and Tumblr it just moves faster and faster... “It me.” “Big mood.” “The future

“...and the less said about the comedy team of Reebo and Zooty, the better. However—”

I imagine the backlash to the ‘90s flashback episode probably was not unrelated to this one being so ambiguously retro in it’s flashbacks. Homer goes on dates at a roller-rink disco to unwind from his dot-com bubble job.

It’s a big planet. If it was mostly over the ocean and not near any flight routes or anything, who’d see it? Plus, of course, someone did find it first. Hale had been and gone years ago, judging by their reaction to the robots on the ship turning on, and so her organization was probably making sure to cover up any

I’m ride-or-die on Springfield, North Tacoma, myself. Trying to squeeze coastal, inland, desert, mountainous Springfield (and Shelbyville, and Capital City) into any real location is folly. Folly, I say!

“Originated” is a strong word. It’s radio jargon, going back to World War II, at least. It’s rating the quality of a signal, on a scale of one to five. The first number is volume, the second number is (lack of) static. Hence, “Five by five” literally equals “loud and clear,” or, colloquially, that everything is as

I’m still concerned that once they save the world and change the future, they’ll have a spare Fitz on ice.