
Not just your regular cuckold, mind you... if memory serves, Dave sends Uriah to the frontlines of a major battle so he’ll be killed in order to bang his wife proper. Serious onions on David.

It would’ve been nice if at least the last two episodes of the season weren’t also the worst two episodes of the season, and the last two minutes of the season weren’t one of the most embarrassingly insecure bits of fanservice I’ve ever seen. I remember while they were in production they upped the episode count from

The whole episode felt wildly phoned-in to me, to the point where I’m kind of upset that I liked the show as much as I did mid-season. It retroactively changes the awesome seven-episode streak in the middle of the season from “found its feet” to “fluke success despite its own goals.”

Oh, everybody’s been stealing the Iron Man helmet-cam since they came up with it. I remember Stargate did it almost immediately after the first movie came out. It’s not every day someone invents a new form of cinematic vocabulary that solves a fairly major problem (it beats Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man constantly taking his

No, Saru is still back on the Shenzhou. Burnham are the one the Emperor offered her to pick from the three that were there as a gift. She assumed she was picking a new slave, when it was really more like the lobster tank and a restaurant.

TOS and TNG both went to the deconstruction well ridiculously early and often. “The Enemy Within,” “The Naked Time,” “The Naked Now,” “Where No One Has Gone Before,” “Hide and Q...”

Now that you mention Romulans, during one of the shots of the ship, there was something that looked like an abstract mural of a figure with pointed ears. On the other hand, the wide shot of the side looked pretty consistent with DSC’s ship designs, especially the squared-off warp engines.

Right. 2022 Fitz confirmed it in his last scene, where he said that Daisy saw the aftermath of the Earth being destroyed, but somehow did it anyway, so for all the trouble they go through trying to change history, it keeps not changing. Presumably, all the 2022 people we saw have already had (more or less) the

It’s beautiful. “This tastes horrible, and I love it.” Like Rooster Cogburn drinking rotgut whiskey.

One of the most delightful things about seeing this at a Bay Area matinee full of retirees was everyone snickering whenever Lady Bird was shitting on Sacramento.

I don’t watch every episode, but Harry Shearer’s characters seem to have been varying wildly between being more-or-less their original selves, and coming out much deeper and more gravelly than they used to be. It’s the change that’s weird, it seems more understandable that his voice just got deeper after two dozen

Well, see, that’s exactly it. Anyone could do that. I’m doing it right now. Doing it fast, and possibly in either direction, that’s the impressive one.

I see your point, but on the other hand, it was totally fucking nuts when “The Stolen Earth” aired and it looked like they’d sprung a surprise regeneration on us.

It almost felt like RTD/Tennant were being fired given how self-pitying that special got. “No, it’s not a change. I die. Me, the young, handsome, charming Doctor you all tune in for is about to die, and an imposter will take my place, who could never measure up to my wonderfulness. I mean, I’d rather not, if it was up

They let a delirious old man who was also their only ride run off into the snow and then took their sweet time coming after him, once they’d had a “moment.” The hell with them, they deserve to spend an extra five minutes wandering in the tundra convinced they forgot where the TARDIS was.

Aside from the difference in context between Ten’s reluctance and Twelve’s (Ten thinking a change may as well be death, and Twelve preferring death to another change), I think we should also bear in mind that this is the Accidental Christmas Special, following up on the Accidental Season. Moffat’s swan song was going

There were plenty of gaps. Clara kept going home between episodes, and according to Bill, there were at least fifty years when he was guarding Missy’s vault.

Apparently, due to the wacky British work-for-hire copyright rules, the actual owners of the Brig’s character have decreed the Captain is “actually” his great uncle, since they already established his paternal grandfather in spin-off stories.

Well, for Clara it was more like between being taken and her death (she is frozen at her last heartbeat and if the Captain is an indication Testimony gets there a little bit before that)

(BTW, how does sending them to AFTER the destruction supposed to do any good?)