
It doesn’t seem to take much, considering that the After Life group was able to dilute a handful of diviniers into a supply that lasted centuries, if not millennia.

Oh, goddammit, I didn’t even think that the Jedi Academy I was describing was also the X-Mansion.

Well, there’s all the stuff in the OT about Nixon and Vietnam. And then the Bush stuff in the PT (though Lucas did throw in some Civil War allusions so the proto alt-right could have their fun with their “Palpatine is an analogue to Lincoln, who was history’s real monster” hot takes).

Like Doctor Who taught us, “happily ever after” doesn’t mean “forever,” it just means time. Twenty five years is a good run. The Second Republic outlived the Empire by a nose. And there’s still a chance for a more lasting victory to come. The First Order is starting off from a worse position than the Empire did in

The criticism from Force Awakens that Rey was a Mary Sue struck me dumbfounded over the hypocrisy that somehow, Luke wasn’t also.

I go with the theory that the Dark Side of the Force is the imbalance, and the Light Side only exists as a creation of the ego of the bad guys, because they need something to be in opposition of. The Jedi don’t adhere to a “side” of the Force, they just immerse themselves in the Force as a whole. Life and death, peace

Didn’t Yoda say something like “those books have wisdom, but nothing Rey doesn’t already know?” If he’d said “have,” he’d definitely have been fucking with Luke, because it was more important that Luke destroy the books than that the books actually be destroyed.

- Somehow I hadn’t caught on that the Lighthouse was actually still a part of the little bit of rind that is Earth, I thought it was floating off nearby. I guess that makes exploring the surface easier...

Still, in Framework they didn’t have to worry about collateral damage. Those people weren’t real. Here they need to be little more careful.

He’s also not above criticism for not pulling the trigger on a female Doctor during his tenure.

I never heard the “Classic Years” version of the show after the relaunch,so I didn’t realize it was cut down, but I do recall them saying the reason they never syndicated to podcasts was that the music rights were a bitch and a half, and it was lucky the entire show was able to be streamed on-line. For the GK version,

I was a bit struck by how far MPR was sticking Kellior down the Memory Hole, considering the fairly mild description of why they severed ties with him. My first theories was that someone high up was frustrated with people skating by during the current crisis and wanted to make an example, Kellior being an ideal

Everybody’s seen the meme going around showing the cable listings where one channel or another is showing Christmas movies 24 hours a day for the next month without repeating one, right?

I have no problem knocking the film down 1/3 of a step for that fucking interminable Frozen short. It was disappointing enough that I didn’t get to see Pixar mock us on the VFX side of the fence by doing perfect photorealism on a lark a la “The Blue Umbrella” and “Piper,” but it felt like it was a whole damn half-hour

Speaking of, they did a much more effective version of “Maybe you should let those kids in that schoolbus drown” by actually putting people in peril because of something Kara did.

My favorite was in one episode of House where two of the characters were playing Xbox, and it was embarrassingly obvious that one of the actors actually played video games and was miming that, and one of the actors had only seen people “play video games” in movies, jerking the controller around like it’s the damn

Since her original color would have to be darker than blue, it’d be pretty tricky to recolor them lighter and not have them look worse than the contacts. Never minding all the tracking and stuff for every single shot of her for an entire episode.

-The algorithm to detect cloaked ships must either a) be flawed, b) lost by Discovery before they return to safety, or c) work against this version of the cloaking device but not the Romulan ones that come later.

-Hopefully, the opening scene is not indicative of Starfleet’s current predicament. The Klingons outnumbered Starfleet 2 to 1 in the sector.