
You kiss… while talking? In synch, or is it like a harmony thing where you're both saying different things that fit together?

Seriously. Back before "Pyramid" ruined everything, I thought the AVC consensus on this season was that it was shaping up to be one of the greats. A string of three disappointing-to-mediocre episodes, while not great for a twelve-episode season, isn't going to mean the whole thing will rank as an embarrassment.

I wouldn't go that far, but it did seem like an opportune moment to lie about her personal life rather than go into details that wouldn't be pertinent for two millennia. I mean, even if she were interested, it's not like she could take him home with her, and there were more straightforward ways to blow him off. I'm

Judging by the fact that it dissolved their bones, it sounds like the sciencey-wiency version is that it was leaching away all the light they'd ever been exposed to, so they lost all their vitamin D, and weren't able to process calcium. They probably could've gone into a mite more detail with that for the kids who

It always sounded too bizarre to be a cover to me, and that the Master hadn't had the time or the resources to make up a legend when he hid. Of course, it's still an ambiguous line, and if the other interpretation gets us more Jacobi being evil, fine by me. It's just a shame he couldn't have met Hurt's War Doctor.

I've had the same impression, but I feel that really only kicked in with "The Lie of the Land." I think "Extremis" promised that we'd be kicking things up a notch, and the subsequent two episodes didn't really deliver as much as they needed to for a midseason extravaganza that would have us exhausted and begging for a

Tell that to Kanjiklub!

Oh, no, not the only Australian animal that didn't already want to kick my ass!

The talking crows reminded me of a post I saw about dopey-looking-and-sounding Australian crows, which I just spent far too long digging up. Also, it's actually about ravens, but I'll be damned if I just retraced my internet steps for nothing. http://dduane.tumblr.com/po…

Now I'm wondering if Gotham is, like, the Hollywood of thugs. Every dipshit from the Midwest or even Metropolis or Central City who stole someone's lunch money and wants to be a real gangster goes to Gothem to try and make his bones. Lots of gangs to join, the local hero isn't a super-human, and it has a reputation as

I believe it's a signet ring worn over Peter Capaldi's wedding ring to disguise it (it looks like the stone is offset, so it appears to be a single ring with a split band). I've heard it was also a call-back to the ring the First Doctor wore, but the design is pretty different. Here are a couple links.

Well, they definitely aren't done from the Vehicle Assembly Building.

i own nothing

He looks so delighted by himself that he finally remembered a movie.

I should add that to my list of things Moffat's era showed up RTD's at— actual future-Doctor cameo.

To be fair, she was asking them to save him from exploding, not specifically asking to cure his blindness. And the Doctor could've been more clear that there was a chance that he'd survive exploding.

Nope, it's in "Blink." We probably see the TARDIS more than the Doctor in that one. "The Angels have the Phone Box" and all that.

Apparently they just didn't bother, since there was no body. IIRC, in "Coach" Ram's dad made it clear everyone thought she had just run away from home and would turn up soon. You know, along with like five other kids that week who went to Coal Hill, along with a coach and a lunchlady…

I really do think it was mostly for the full-season trailer a couple months ago.

I was thinking more, "He had a bad day on the market. …Sorry, I appreciate that wasn't very funny, but I couldn't help saying it."