
(Angle brackets ">", not square "]." I'm more used to UBB-code, too).

I'm still disappointed they don't have anything to do with the Veil, which is what I was hoping for when I saw that desiccated, robed hand coming out of the wall in the trailer for Extremis. I guess the Doctor Who makeup team just has a consistent way of doing corpse-hands.

I get that there are directions to go in (they're nicknamed "the Lonely Assassins," implying they can be hired or tamed or aimed in some way, so they're deeper than what we've seen. And Angel Bob slipped my mind, so they can talk), but the way it comes out seems very, "What's the coolest available monster from Doctor

I'm completely baffled by how the show expects to continue with two main characters orphaned. The April body-switch is the kind of deeply stupid thing that exists only to challenge the writers to find the quickest way out of it in next season's opener, without even being effective in the moment. And the Weeping Angels

I imagine the Doctor (or the writer) thought of that one a while ago and had been waiting for a chance to use it, and decided to just go for it even though it no longer remotely applies.

I imagine the regeneration was completely fake, a high-tech squib (speaking of, at least this episode had a good reason for wildly unconvincing gun violence. Don't shoot a man in a white shirt if you're too family-hour to even punch a hole in it, never mind show blood!). The Doctor has holographic clothes, and the

So, there was no point to your correcting my "The Abyss was filmed in a studio" to "in a studio made from a nuclear reactor," since it's all the same. Good to know. Great talk. I feel like we're really communicating effectively, here.

Converting an existing building into a film studio doesn't count as "on location," so unless you're arguing that Cameron's custom-built underwater soundstage for the Abyss was just as hazardous as his original desire to film in the actual ocean, I don't see your point aside from trying to out-nerd me.

I became so much better at punching and countering thugs once I learned about how it started development as a rhythm game. http://www.gameinformer.com…

The Doctor seems to only upgrade around the gap between seasons, and more often (in the new series) replaces his destroyed Sonic with an identical spare. It's part of the reason I was surprised why he had two 9th/10th Doctor sonics in his pen-cup on his desk in the premiere. While there were three or four versions of

I always assumed they visited the earlier Doctors off-screen to explain the plan in "Day." The psychic link is more "The Three Doctors." Which would be great to see in 2017.

Alien wasn't filmed on-location outdoors. Less than half of The Abyss was filmed underwater, and that was also in a studio. I'd estimate something like two-thirds of Covenant took place on the planet, and if you want to head-off the complaint, there's no point where there's a 100% air-tight excuse for taking off their

If there were any possible way to check (the Monks' simulator would be handy), I'd bet you a billion dollars that no one would've liked Prometheus better if they hadn't cut the line about the map-guy losing his map-balls, or had him poke the flap-snake with a stick rather than use his finger.

Honestly, I'm on the filmmaker's side with this. The spore or the facehugger or the flap-snake or whatever is going to get inside the spacesuit anyway, because that's the premise of the film, so what's the point of making all your actors walk around in full-body condoms (dealing with ventilating the suits, reflections

I like to think Harley eventually gave up crime, after her shot almost worked out, except for public suspicion of exotic pets. "Nice guys like you shouldn't have bad days."

It'd basically be a puzzle game disguised as an action/tactics game,

The fact that he did the same "stand quietly and look perturbed" in "Man of Steel" is the reason I gave up on the DCCU. The World-Engine is destroyed, Metropolis is devastated, and there's this long, long, loooong beat where Superman just stands there, and I'm thinking, "Oh, he's hearing the people crying out for help

I only found it out by looking up what was going on in the coda to Schindler's List.

I'm not as trusting as you are of 1940s-era Len Trexler's understanding, sober-minded analysis, and reporting of transhuman cybernetic augmentations.

There's literally no way to type this sentence without the whole thing being a spoiler, which makes it kind of useless since you need to know what it's actually spoiling… well, fuck it.