
The deflection about knowing the professor at MIT could be innocent, but the "thoughtless blundering" onto mother-child relations with a celebrity CEO with no less than two supervillians in her immediate family should've set Lena's con-artist alarms ringing a mile away. If Lena was a private citizen, that'd be

At the very least, empty her pockets. She could have a pen that's a gun or a wristwatch that shoots bombs or something!

Though it also sounded like Kara's main motivation was that Maggie was going to miss dinner because she was tied up at work. I mean, granted, everybody has to come up with their own reasoning for when and why Superman/girl is on the clock versus when they let the regular authorities handle things, but "being kept

"The Beast Below" had children apparently being eaten by a creature but turning out to have been fine.

While the Doctor did mention that he'd visited the last frost fair before, I was kind of hoping he'd mention having come on a date with his wife. Or that Stevie Wonder might be hiding somewhere.

Class always felt like it was moving way too fast. It was just one massive thing after another, from the first episode, and it doesn't stop. The first counterexample I can think of is the new Battlestar Galactica. The first really emotionally draining episode they did that tested the relationships of the characters

I was going to joke last week that the flirty emperor of algae is probably what made him go back to being an omnivore; travel enough in time and space, and every damn thing has a face sooner or later. He'd photosynthesize, but what about all those energy beings made of pure light?

I was being a little silly.

There seems to have been a trend of each regeneration aging slower than the previous ones, but that mostly seems to be a coincidental result of casting younger actors and having longer periods of time pass off-screen. For instance, the first Doctor was apparently four hundred fifty-some years old when he regenerated,

I was wondering during the episode if the… let's say ice-whale might've been related to the critter from Torchwood's "Meat." There were some similarities, with cooking the pilot fish, and keeping it chained up and crying while it was harvested (was it made clear if those gooey brickettes were blubber or poop?).

I knew the episode was on the right track with the Doctor's grim, clamped-off reaction to Bill pointing out race-based slavery was still a going concern. Gave me the impression that the Doctor spends so much time in the mid-twentieth century on is that as much as he enjoys roughing it, there are some peculiar

Fitz mentioned her new body would be stronger than her (apparently) human body, so she could be going full-Cylon and getting the LX-edition of a human body with all the options. One of the nice blood types, wisdom teeth that come out straight, skin that tans easily and burns rarely, ability to voluntarily override

She seems pretty adept at double-think, so I'd say yes. She probably even believes that she intends to keep the promise, so as to abide by her programming, but just happens to be abstractly aware that her human version won't be constrained in that way. She'll continue to act under the assumption that human-Aida won't

I feel like Daisy was being particularly insistent that May did what she did to Mace based on the information she had less to console May in the moment and more to inoculate her against the guilt when they get out.

He's weird about dog imagery.

It's those damn literal computers. And poor planning on Radcliff's part. Making a happy version of the world was his ultimate goal, but he first did it by trying to just keep May busy, and then trying to keep May busy and satisfied, by "correcting" what she regarded as her biggest mistake. Who knows how well things

Hopefully the you from the other world won't be an a-hole about having a twin running around. A good peace offering would be to offer to be the one who starts going by your middle name.

“If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college.”

Hand was probably purged with the rest of the loyal SHIELD agents when Hydra took over in '08. What I want to know is why she met Ward rather than Garrett (and also what she saw in him, since she wasn't a secret Nazi who wanted a pet psycho).

I think there's a decent chance that Stark is a Hydra stooge. Great way to stick it to the old man.