
As you say, Coulson and Mack weren't happy, and totalitarianism sucks, so probably very few people were. Eight or nine years is a long time to live under Hydra, but it's not long enough for them to have completely smothered the human spirit.

Did you catch how when they started cutting to reactions of Coulson's broadcast and ducked down his narration, they brought it back up just enough for him to audibly mention that Hydra was founded by Nazis during World War II before fading him again?

I was glad to see Daisy taking full advantage of the "There are only six real people in the world" factor and just killing NPCs completely indiscriminately. Normally that random-guy-as-human-shield move pisses me off, but not today.

As soon as the car exploded I was giddy and laughing that they were adapting my single favorite S:TAS episode, but I almost immediately realized that no one saw Kara in the car, so no one would know she was supposed to be dead.

Well, it was. Probably twice that now, on eBay. Damned limited-run rocks.

Honestly, I can think of many delightful ways to use or display an attractive leather pouch like that. I could put my pens in it. Use it as a coinpurse at my SCA meetings or when feudalism comes back. Fill it with fishing weights and use it as a weapon. It's the fact that they stuck a rock in it that makes it insane.

Remember the kids club? *That* was the '90s.

Agreed, definitely. There’s an argument to be made that the Doctor is putting a hat on a hat pointing it out, but I think the rejoinder is what turns it from a writerly, “hmm” joke to laugh-out-loud funny, and Capaldi definitely lands it perfectly.

James Bond is, as well. Probably Moneypenny, too.

“Nothing is more important than my egomania” is one of the all-time great lines.

The impression I got was that there were a lot of time-skips in series 7.0 so the present day ended up being well ahead of the airdate. In "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship," Rory mentioned he was thirty-one. He's about the same age as Amy, who was born in ’89, and he was talking to his dad, so it’s unlikely he’s counting

Isn't DC doing an ill-advised Watchmen crossover, after only barely cleaning up the mess of the New 52? Plus, the DC movies are utterly dire; if it wasn't for their TV output, they'd easily be well below Marvel's current state overall.

“‘Keep it tight and watch out for those towers.’ ‘Keep it tight,’ what does that mean? I don’t know what that means, ‘keep it tight.’ To stay in formation?”

"Fuhrer" is, more or less, German for "boss." As in, Hitler was the boss of the Nazis.

At this point, it seems everyone is sort of okay with the comics themselves being a swirling cesspool of mediocrity and bad ideas, whose only purpose is to serve as the muck which movie and TV adaptations pan for rare nuggets of gold in.

Have you seen the video of him throwing away the kid's hat he autographed? He looked pretty happy doing that.

A couple years ago, Cameron said the Avatar sequels would make us all “shit ourselves with our mouths wide open,” so he probably has something interesting planned.

It was back in the season 9 finale. The Doctor stole Clara out of time the instant before she died, and intended to give her a memory wipe and let her live out her life where the Time Lords would never find her. Clara found out his plan, and reversed the device her was going to use, so instead of erasing her memories

The fact that Eleanor Roosevelt's maiden name was Eleanor Roosevelt is my favorite piece of presidential trivia.

I wish I could track down the source, but I remember someone once talking about how whenever "literary" authors would deign to do science fiction as a lark or something back in the day they always did "two astronauts crash on a planet, on the last page we learn they're named Adam and Eve" and patted themselves on the