
I'm fairly sure Ezra had his fingers crossed behind his back and was whispering "Please be her brother, please be her bother" over and over during the first third of the episode.

To be fair, the impression I got from ESB was less that carbon-freezing a person to put them into hibernation was unheard of and more that the Cloud City facility wasn't meant to be used on people, just for industrial purposes. The terminology is a bit inconsistent about which part of the process was conventional and

RE: MILES DAVIS CS 9961 XSM 151732/3 PROJECT # 03802

Conjure by it at your own risk.

Actually, Wendig's Star Wars novels are written present-tense, so this probably is an excerpt. I have no idea why, but even reading a single paragraph makes me unaccountably angry, so I'll catch the summery on Wookiepedia.

I Googled around a little bit, but I couldn't find a satisfactory (or any) reason why there was a duplicate of San Francisco's Transamerica building in the UN complex. And I'm not 100% sure, but it seems like the new WTC 1 has been scooched over a few blocks so it's closer to the UN building.

I know this group tends towards being down on the second half of BSG, but that show didn't suffer too much from off-cycle pacing. The Kobol storyline ended eight episodes into a season, New Caprica with episode four, the lull between the mutiny and the finale…

I just fast-forwarded through the episode to see this, and noticed that the other three are all in view when Coulson is knocked out after May leaves, which means Ivanov was the one off-screen who bashed Phil's face in with the butt of his rifle.

It may have, last week. He said it was the coathanger from Mace's new super-suit, but who knows?

They also don't show Ivanov. They probably even used the actor as one of the soldiers, but just focused on the beardy talking guy, to underscore how little Coulson noticed or cared.

I was pulling for Gottfried, but seeing where they're apparently going with this, having a young romantic-type makes a bit more sense.

It could be genetic. Ten seconds on wikipedia suggests that 1/5th of people with full-body alopecia have a relative with it, as well.

In retrospect, I'm beginning to see why they didn't go with Gilbert Gottfried.

The first book is definitely the hardest to get into, with the shifting in perspectives and time-periods. The next two have more conventional PoVs.

I haven't read the Expanse novels yet (and I probably won't while the series is on the air, because at the pace they're going, it'll probably just frustrate me to outrun the show so quickly), but I've got a fair amount of other sci-fi novels that I'd be happy to compare notes on.

The actual mohawk is at least somewhat flattering. The way his old stupid haircut just flopped over his face like some kind of reverse-combover made out of a drowned squirrel just made me hope he'd get a new stupid hat soon so I wouldn't have to look at it anymore. The haircut is almost as good.

Babylon 5 retro-reviews came back. Much like John Sheridan, we had an epiphany talking to an old guy in a weird hole where we'd died, and got a third of the series' lifespan left, which was just enough time to finish the job.

I am both pleased that SyFy recognized the missing scene issue and made a half-assed correction, and irritated that nearly ten years after I first found that they liked adding scenes into their two-hour premieres (to fill out the time saved by only having one set of credits) and then forgetting them for the home video

So, if there is a second second LMD, it's Fitz. Assuming they didn't x-ray or MRI everyone on the base the second they found out about May, in which case LMDRadcliff was actually talking about himself. They would have to have a pretty good excuse for that, though. SHIELD hasn't been making much use of the ol' idiot

The ouroborus necklace has an inscription on it; "To A, From H: This is blatant symbolism."